9. DATE❤️

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I stood beside the car waiting for her. She has come, dressed in a floral dress, looking like an angel. Why doesn't she dress up like this daily. She wears the same boring formal clothes.

'What?' she asked snapping her fingers.

'Someone is looking so beautiful today. So just couldn't take my eyes off.' I smirked.

'I hope this stays the only cheesy line of the day.' She said.

'That's just the truth.'

'Are you two gonna stay just here or go out?' Harry asked coming to us.

'What the fuck? Get lost from here.' I tried to shoo him away.

'Seriously Harry? Don't you think you shouldn't invade like this?' she asked.

'As if you two are kissing or getting romantic.'

'I'll take care of this crackhead. You guys leave.' Kl has said coming to us and took harry away.

She began fidgeting with her fingers and blinded her eyes so frequently just like she did on the flight, when we met for the first time as we got into the car.

Is she nervous just like I am ? Is my nervousness evident like hers?

'Do you want to me play some music?' I asked to ease her.

'Yeah sure.' she replied.

I connected my phone to the car and the first notification I have received was a voice message from Virat. I was keen to know what it was. I clicked on it to listen what it was.

Shrey, don't try to hard. And listen, she's embarrassed and nervous just like you are. So don't worry about anything and just enjoy your day. And don't tell her that I said this to you. She'll kill me.

She gave out a long sigh.

'I should have actually checked before playing it like this.' I said.

'You should have! Both of them are just there to embarrass me.' she said not meeting my eye.

She kept looking outside the window, with her hands fidgeting and feet tapping the base.

She looks damn nervous

'Hey wanna see a trick?' I asked as I stopped the car aside near a tree.

'Now?' she asked.

'Yes. Do you want to see it?' I asked.

'Yes, ofcourse.' she said.

'Give me any three things of yours. And also do you have a pen and a paper?' I asked.

'Yes I do.' she said and took out a note pad and a pen from her bag.

'Thank you. And any three things of yours please ' I said.

She took out her sanitizer, lip balm and her bracelet while I put my phone, chain and my watch.

'What are you doing?' she asked as I was writing down something on the paper, hiding from her.

' Now both of us in turns are going to pick one object from these six objects. I have written in this paper about what's gonna be left on the table at last. Let's see if it's gonna be true.' I said.

'I am excited to see what's gonna happen.' she said.

'Your chance first.' I offered.

'Ok...' she keenly observed all the stuff and finally picked up her bracelet.

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