4. Like fathers, (un) like daughters

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this is unedited. So please bear with the errors. Will edit this one later in the evening after going home.


'Krithi, the surgery is done. He's presently unconscious due to the Anastasia. Whoever wants to come can come now.' Mahi bhai called from the hospital.

Everyone were back at the hotel except Mahi bhai and Anushka with Virat.

'Ok bhai. We are coming.' I said and hung the call.

I was having my lunch by then. I looked around to see if anyone was there. That's when I spotted Harry walking in the corridor.

'Harry, come here.' I called him out.


'Virat's operation is done. Mahi bhai called me to inform us to come. Ask all those who want to come. We'll leave in an half an hour.' I said.

'Why is Mahi bhai always calling you. He's becoming a bad boy, day by day.' he whined.

'That's because I am the intern manager here. And Sanjana is busy handling the huge tasks. So I am taking care of all these.' I explained.

'Even then, he should only call me. I'll talk to him.' he said with a sulky face.

'Aghh! Do whatever you want to do. Just inform everyone about this. We'll start at sharp 2:30 p.m.' I said.

After a lot of their stupid fights and discussion, it was finally decided that I, Harry, Shrey, Ro, Sammy, Rits, Jassi would go see him first.


'Don't make noise.' Mahi bhai ordered as we got out of the elevator and the boys began chattering.

'Where is Kl?' Anushka asked.

'So any of us doesn't matter to you?' Harry asked.

'Nothing like that. It's just hard to believe that you convinced kl to stay back at the hotel.' Anushka said.

'It was tough indeed. Now are you done? Can we see Virat? Or is your interrogation still left?' Harry asked.

'Come in.' Mahi bhai said.

'Virat.' Harry chirped and hugged him, almost falling onto him.

'Ouch. Get off.' Virat winced in pain.

'Should I not hug you now? Mahi bhai doesn't even call me. Your wife wants kl and not me. And you are asking me to not hug me. If you guys don't love me, tell me directly. Why all this drama?' Harry said dramatically.

'You are doing the drama. He has just undergone a rib surgery. And you are touching him there, hurting him.' Mahi bhai said.

'If he undergoes a surgery, won't he hug me?'

'Areyy, this stupid guy. Get out harry. You are irritating us with your foolish questions.' Ro said irritatingly.

'I hate you all. Don't ever talk to me.' Harry said and left the room.

'How is Natasha still with him?' Shrey sighed.

'If you guys are done talking about harry, will you shift your focus to me?' Virat asked.

'Bloody attention seeker.' Ro face palmed himself.

'Were you all always like this?' I asked amusingly.

'Like what?' Ro asked.

'Behaving like idiots and fighting for silly reasons.'

'Yes, they are all like that. I am the only sane person here.' Ro said.

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