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As a child I hated cricket. It was just an overrated sport for me. When my brother insisted that we go to watch M.S. Dhoni the untold story, I almost cried telling that I don't want to watch a cricket film in the theatre and that I wanted to watch Premam( a Telugu film that has released in the same time as M.S) He eventually gave in and agreed to watch Premam. He booked the tickets and we have gone into the screen allotted to the film.

When the film has started, I was so upset with my brother because he lied to me and brought tickets for M.S.Dhoni. I wanted to leave the theatre but my brother said that he was not gonna move anywhere n it's up to me to decide whether to sit next to him and watch the film or leave the theatre all by myself.

I was 12 back then and didn't have the guts to leave alone so I had no other option but to sit in the theatre. I paid no heed to the film until besabriyaan started playing and I loved the song. That's when I started watching the film. Though I hated cricket, I was a patriot and after watching the climax of the film I had goosebumps and I enjoyed the entire experience. And that made me see cricket from a new angle. It unites us, Indians like nothing does.

What do you and I have in common. I am sure we have a lot of cultural differences, like our state, language, religion and all. But we are here together as a unit. Because of what- Cricket!

I have always wanted to be born in 1960's or 1970's to be able to witness the 83 WC and WC2011. Though I started liking cricket, I couldn't follow religiously as I was still in high school and didn't have the time to watch cricket. So I missed the peak of Virat and Rohit.

I started watching every single match only since the lockdown and every time I sat before the screen as the match began, I used to pray to witness them hit a century or more and was upset every time that didn't happen. But my views changed at the GABBA. I was only disappointed thinking of how I missed the Sachin era, The dhoni era and the prime of Vi and Ro but I didn't realise that I was watching the foundation being laid of our future cricket team.

I no longer want Vi or Ro to win matches for us. They have done a lot for us and it's high time the youngsters to step in and I am glad that's happening. We have seen the rise of Rishabh and siraj since the Gabba incident. And now it's  Shrey.

Rishu and Shrey are proving to be efficient in all the three formats of the game. Be it Rishu's 96 in the last game or Shrey's 92 today. This is the future of India and after 3-4 years when this young cricket team wins for our country, I will have happy tears in my eyes thinking how I witnessed my team grow from the very beginning.

Chin up boys , some 90's are >>>>>> 100. You were there for the team when the batting order collapsed. That's what matters the most. Not the number of hundreds you have made but  the number of times you were there for the team is what matters and that's  what we'll remember and cherish  always.

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