20. Is this love?

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Ok here's the deal. As my schedule here is the third and final chapter of this week. But something that's hurting me is not getting enough comments like the previous chapters. So if I get 30 comments for this chapter, I'll update a bonus chapter this week ( excluding the instagram chapter on Sunday)

Irrespective of the comments, I'll update as usual on Monday. But if you want an additional chapter, then make sure this chapter gets atleast 30 comments. It's so beautiful to read comments, you know.


Seven days since Krithi had that discussion about love with Mahi bhai and it was the day the second (final)  test was done.

Shrey's POV:

'We'll leave in three days. And Ro don't forget to take home all your belongings.' Bhuvi informed him.

'I know that.' Ro was quick to reply

'I swear I won't take responsibility of your stuff this time. So stop being careless, no, stop being lazy and pack all your stuff.'

'Vi yaar. You can't do that to me. Oh, I forgot Rits is with me, she'll take care. ' Ro grinned and got back to relaxing on the bed.

'Where are the others?' harry asked. Only he, I, Ro, Bhuvi,  Vi and Rah were in the room.

'I have no clue. What are you seeing?' Rah asked him as harry couldn't put his eyes away from his phone.

'I'm looking at Niagara falls photos. It's so beautiful' Harry said showing us all the pictures.

'You know how much I love waterfalls right. Let's all go  there.' Rah said.

'When do we have a long break?' harry asked.

Bhuvi took out his phone checked and said ' We have back to back circket for the next ten months.' Bhuvi said.

'It's alright. Let's go after that. Krithi said she loves waterfalls. She's gonna enjoy it.' I couldn't let it out.

'Are you making plans with her for something after ten months?' Vi asked.

'Yeah. What's wrong?' I asked.

'You know she's here as an intern and the contract is for six months out of which two months are done right?' Ro reminded me.

'I knew that but I forgot it completely now. But still why won't she accompany us for that trip. She's one of us right.' It hurt me to know that she might not be with us after four more months.

'Personally yes shrey. But it's her job. Why will she still be here when she gets a better job opportunity?' Bhuvi asked.

'What's a better opportunity than working with the people and the game she loves?' I didn't like the slight idea of her leaving.

'Let's not spoil our moods talking about it now. There's still four months time.' Rah said.

'But the fact that you started making long term plans with her is something, you must give a thought.' Ro stated.

'I didn't get you ' I really didn't.

'Your heart isn't thinking of the times she won't be with you. For it, krithi has become an integral part.'

'i don't know why I didn't think of the times she won't accompany us. I don't want it to happen too, honestly. It feels so good to see her. Her smile solely  is powerful enough to change my whole mood.' I admitted.

'Shrey joined Ro and Jassi and fell in love with our ICT managers.' Harry said.

'I don't know if it's love. I don't know what it is. All I know is I love having her around. It doesn't matter if we share a conversation or not, she just has to be around me.'  I stated.

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