22) Feelings

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I turned towards her but stood silently not wanting to talk to her about the dress.

'Hi I am Vaishu.' she forwarded her hand as she introduced herself.

'Hi, I'm krithi.' I told coldly.

'Yeah, I've heard a lot about you. Shrey did mention you a few times and also Sanju. Nice to see you in person. I thought I'd be the only one to have gone on a date with him.' I might have liked her only if she hasn't said that last line.

'Oh, he never mentioned you.' I fake smiled.

'Oh, he didn't? Such a idiot he is! How long will you be here?' she asked.

'Maybe four months, I don't know. I have applied for research in few universities, if my papers get accepted, I might have to go before that.'

'Krithi, come here.' Ro called me from the door.

'Athiya wants that dress. Can you go and give it to her.' she said pointing at the dress Shrey gave me.

'Hi vaishu. What's up?' he asked her.

'Go stay there. While I'll take Shrey somewhere with me, before she gets hold of him. Vi will look after her'. Ro whispered as I went near the door.

'Thanks Ro.'

'Well, that's what brothers do!'

'Vaishu, how are you?' Vi asked entering my room.

'I love you two.' I whispered to them and left the room.


'And you are all set.' Athiya said as she's done with setting my hair.

'Lets paint her nails as well.' Nats said bringing a nail paint

'Is this tiring?' Nush asked.

'I am doing nothing. It's you guys who should feel tired.' I said.

'I love having a muse.' Athiya said.

My phone began beeping. It was the alarm I've set for the date.

'Ok, I must go now.'

'Wait we'll paint your nails.' Nats said and began painting my nails.

'You know how much she's obsessed with Nail paints right. She's not gonna leave you.' Rits chuckled.

They were soon done and I was all ready. I quickly got down stairs and just like the last time, he was already there, by the car.

'I think you haven't read the P.S I've written in the note.' He said.

'Uh, what?' I asked.

'I told you to not kill me with your looks. But you don't listen.' he said opening the car door for me.

'So where are we going?' I asked adjusting my seat belt.

'There's a fair nearby. We'll go there...' he paused and looked at me to continue, 'if that's ok with you.'

'I am ok with anything. Come let's start.'

The drive was small. It barely took 20 minutes before we reached there.

'So what shall we do now?' I asked.

'Let's go on the Ferris wheel.' he sounded excited, unlike me. I was dead scared of heights, and I have never, in this 23 years life of mine, have been on a giant wheel.

He would have usually understood my silence but he was too excited then to pay me attention. But I am definitely not gonna go on the giant wheel for him!

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