23. Party!

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This is actually the last chapter of the week. But will update an extra chapter on Saturday if this one gets 40 votes and 50 comments.

40 votes will happen for sure, and last time when I asked for 30 comments, u guys spammed and made it happen. So do what u wanna do but keep the comments interesting

We'll meet on Saturday if this chapter gets 40 votes and 50 comments, of not,on Monday


Krithi's POV:

'So how did it go?' Ro asked me as he, I and Vi were there in Vi's room.

'Should I tell you guys something?' I asked.

'Yes of course. That's why we gathered here.' Vi said.

'No body on this entire planet knows this, except me.' I said.

'What is it?' Ro asked.

'Promise me, you won't tell anyone.'

'Don't you believe us?' Vi asked dramatically.

'I Do. But promise me. If not I won't say.'

'Ok promise. Now tell it quickly. I'm curious.'

'Did he propose?' Vi asked.

'Or did you?' Ro continued.

'Will you go on assuming things or shall I say it?'

'Ok go ahead.' they said in unison.

'I love him.'

'Congrats Ro.' Vi screamed hugging Ro.

'To you two. To us!' Ro screamed back hugging Vi tightly.

'What's going on?' I asked. It was me who should get attention. Why were they clinging onto one another.

'Our mission is successful.' Ro said.

'Welcome to the club kritz.' Vi said hugging me and Ro joined us.

'We still don't know what he thinks. So control your excitement.' I sighed.

'He loves you for sure.' Vi said

'Of course he does.' Ro added.

'Are you sure?' I asked. I think he loves me too. But what if he doesn't?

'100 percent sure.' Vi said.

'So what's next?' Ro asked.

'Go talk to him right. About us and push him to propose.' I pleaded.

'You can do that directly right.' Vi asked.

'You know what my philosophy is?' I asked.

'What?' Ro asked.

'As long as men can't bear kids, women shouldn't propose. If we do everything, what are you guys for?'

'Fine we'll talk to him.' Ro sighed.

Just then the door opened and in walked a crying sammy.

'Sammy boo what happened?' Vi rushed to her even before me and Ro could register what was happening.

'I don't like Vamu. She's a bad girl.' Sammy cried clinging onto Vi.

'What happened baba?' Ro asked.

'She's always sleeping and not playing with me at all. I want to play with her.' she cried even more louder.

'She's a baby right. So she'll sleep. Come let's go and kidnap her. She'll be with us all the time then whenever she's awake we'll play with her.' Ro pacified her.

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