27. Love, love, love

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Betty jumped  onto me, wagging its tail aggressively showing her excitement and how much she missed me.

I settled on the sofa letting her to climb onto me and lick me. I gently patted her head.

Look at this keychain. This fur ball feels just like patting a doggy on its head.

A memory of a cute krithi swooning over a fur ball keychain played in my head.

'All the love only to her, or am I gonna receive some too?' Maa asked as she came to me and ruffled my hair just like I was doing to Betty.

'I am coming home after so long and papa didn't bother to even stay home.'I remarked.

'He'll be home soon. Until then you are all mine. Tell me about your tour?'

The first thing that came to my mind was  krithi giggling.

'It was all good. Virat  is almost normal now. He's set to play the next tour. Ro and Vi began talking again...'

Again, krithi comes into picture

'Maa, I'm hungry.' Shrestha shouted coming out from her room.

'Excuse me?' I snapped my finger to get her attention.

'You have come already.' she said hugging me.

'Now come both of you, let's have breakfast.' Maa called us and we all moved to the dining table.

'What did you do?' Shrestha asked.

'Masala dosa.' Maa said as she began serving us.

I love Masala dosa. Like original Masala dosa and not just wrapping a normal dosa over poori's Aloo curry.

I smile seeing how I get her constant reminders.

'What's happening here?' Maa asked me.

'You know what they say? You laugh like a idiot in love.' Shrestha teased.

'Then won't I get to meet her?' Maa asked.

'There's nothing like that Maa. I don't know what it is.' I confessed.

'Won't you even show me her picture?' Shrestha asked.

I took out my phone to show them our picture on our first date.

'She's so beautiful. And you guys make such a good pair.' Shrestha exclaimed.

'Tell me about her. What does she make you feel like?' Maa asked.

'She was the first person to console me when I wasn't in the playing eleven in the first draft. It was her idea to reunite Ro and Vi. She's always available for those who need support, either emotional or physical. She loves long walks, binging on ice cream watching movies, long talks at late nights, enjoying the cool breeze sticking her head out of the car, getting drenched in rain. And I- I love doing all these with her. Being next to her, watching how happy she gets is what makes me happy. That's what I yearn for.'

I take a pause and recap all that I told them. Why didn't I ever have this conversation with myself. It would have given me a clarity long ago, while she was still next to me.

'If this isn't love, I don't know what is' I confessed.

She is the love of my life

Maa and Shrestha were dumbstruck for a minute until Maa has come and hugged me.

'I want to meet her now.' Shrestha said.

'For that, you'll have to go to hyderabad.' I said.

Just then there was a knock on the door. Maa went to open the door.

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