7. RohiRat: The Match Makers

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Ik I have updated yday n the nxt one was supposed to be tomorrow. But I couldn't sleep past six in the morning as it has become a habit due to college. But no one else in my family has woken n I was so bored. So decided to write this. And once I am done with writing, I couldn't help but publish it. So I won't be updating tomorrow. The next update will be day after tomorrow (March 1st). That day is really special to me as it marks my six months on Wattpad. Hope u guys like this update and pls pls vote and comment. It makes my day ❤️

I have updated a match chapter related to RohiRat in my book cricket matches one shots. Do check it out too


Krithi's POV:

'I am really getting tensed now. What's the matter?' I asked them.

'It's about you and Shrey.' Vee said.

'God! Not again.' I groaned.

'You were making plans with him for your date an hour ago and now what's this behaviour?' Ro asked.

'Did you hear our conversation?'

'As if you were talking in private' Ro said sarcastically.

'Ok. We are going on a date tomorrow. But what's there in that to discuss? And Ro, don't tell me that this is the reason you brought me here'.

'That's the only reason you are here.' Vee said.

'What the fuck is your problem? Seriously you two are getting onto my nerves now. Do you know what privacy means?' I asked pissed off.

'If you knew that in first place, I wouldn't be here sitting next to him. Didn't you interfere in getting us together. It's our chance now.' Ro said.

'And we are not gonna mind any cusses you hurl on us. We will continue with our mission.' Vee said.

'For the first time , I regret my decision to reconcile you two.' I sighed.

'Nothing can be done about it now. Yours was Mission RohiRat while ours is mission ShreThi.' Ro said.

'And what if we don't fall in love with each other?' I asked.

'To know that, you must first start dating right. Whether you'll fall for each other or not is secondary. The effort is important.' Vee said.

'This guy has a lot of experience in that. Trust him.' Ro joked.

'Shut your mouth.' Vee scowled.

'I swear, the next time you two start your foolish fight, I'll just leave and won't talk to you forever.' I said.

'Ok we won't talk about us. We'll talk about you two.' Ro said.

'On a scale of ten how much would you rate his appearance?' Vee asked.


'Just answer his question.' Ro said.

'I think eight.' I said.

'His behaviour?' Vee asked.

'That's eight as well.' I said.

'So you are saying he's just an average guy?' Ro said.

'If I'd say five that would be average. I said eight. So it's excellent,I think.' I stated.

'So he's outstanding and extraordinary according to you.' Vee said.

'When did I say that. You are just making up things.' I said.

'What do you think are the chances of you falling in love with him?' It was Ro's turn.

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