Dean followed Zachariah silently, as they snuck through Heaven unseen and unheard, knowing if anyone saw them, not only would Dean be in trouble, but so would his friends. They managed to stay in parts where no one would be, the lesser-visited parts of Heaven, staying to the shadows. They had almost made it to where the outcasts were held, when they were suddenly spotted. Dean began to silently panic, but Zachariah calmed him and signaled for him to stay where he was and stay quiet. Dean watched as Zachariah smiling, walked closer to the Angel who had found them, acting like nothing was going on, Dean couldn't believe how calm he was.
"Zachariah, brother, what brings you here?" The Angel Dean didn't recognize asked.
"Hello, Tomas, I'm just going around checking on my brothers and sisters. I've decided to start doing daily check-ins to make sure that everyone is happy and healthy." Zachariah lied easily.
Dean watched and listened silently from his hiding place, afraid to even breathe, let alone move, as the two Angels talked calmly. At first, Dean had been scared that they had been discovered, but as he watched them, he realized that the other Angel didn't see him. He relaxed, as he realized that Zachariah's instructions to stay in the shadows made perfect sense now; he knew that if they were spotted, by hiding in the shadows no one would be able to see him. Finally, the conversation ended and Tomas left, once it was safe, they continued walking until they reached the area designated for the outcasts. Dean watched and waited nervously from the shadows, as his brother spoke the words known to only a select few Angels that allowed them to enter and leave the area. As soon as he was finished, the two Angles entered and without fear of being spotted, they quickly went to where Xavier was waiting.
As they walked, Dean looked around, this part of Heaven wasn't just isolated, it was gloomy, oppressive, and reminded him of something you'd see if you visited the poorest place on earth. Unlike the rest of Heaven, there were only small shacks everywhere that looked like they would fall apart in the slightest breeze. The outcasts went about their daily lives, giving the two unknown Angels no thought, it was an extremely depressing place, no wonder Cecil had wanted to get out of here so damn bad; honestly, Dean didn't blame him, he would too if he was in Cecil's position.
"A little...overwhelming, isn't it, brother?" Zachariah asked sighing.
"I never thought a place so..."
"Depressing?" Zachariah said sighing sadly when Dean trailed off.
"Yeah, depressing, could be found in Heaven."
"It wasn't always like this, you know, when I first became an Angel this place never even existed. Then Angels started to disobey and rebel, so the Council decided that they needed to be in a place that was a constant reminder of their betrayal."
"What I don't understand though, is how Cecil was able to bring me to him and how I could leave from here whenever I wanted?" Dean asked confused.
"All of that is in the spells he used, they are ancient and extremely powerful."
"So, the spells were why Ava couldn't sense me in Heaven when I was at Cecil's and why there was a time gap before she could sense me on earth after I left his place?"
"No, those were because of the block that separates the other Angels from the outcasts. The house he showed you though was an illusion from the spells." Zachariah explained.
After a few minutes, they finally reached their destination; a rundown shack, they went inside and saw Xavier sitting on the beat-up couch beside an Angel Dean had met twice before at Cecil's place.

The Shield One Shots Book 2!
FanfictionAnother book full of one shots! If you have a request for a one shot or you'd like to see another part of a certain one shot I already wrote, feel free to message me and let me know! Enjoy!