Til Death Do Us Part Pt2/Ambreigns

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Dean Ambrose parked his car in the driveway of his apartment building, it was late and he was exhausted after another long day at work. He worked at a popular garage in town as a mechanic. Even though he was the best mechanic in town and loved working on cars, he hated going to work every day because of his asshole boss, incompetent co-workers and cheap, bitchy customers. He sighed exhausted and got out of his car slowly, he went inside the building and took the stairs to his floor. Once he reached his floor he went to his door and unlocked it, he reached his hand out to open it, but hesitated. The thought of going inside his small, messy, lonely apartment made him want to sleep in his car. Sighing again he relocked his door and left, deciding to walk to the nearby bar two blocks away; his second home. After arriving he went inside, went to the counter, sat down and ordered his usual drink. When his beer arrived, he sighed, took a long drink of it, as he began to think about his life and how it got a whole lot more interesting since he met the gorgeous Roman Reigns at work when he brought his car in to be fixed.

Dean's life from an early age was filled with nothing, but pain and heartache. Both his parents were alcoholic, abusive, druggie assholes who usually forgot they even had a son! His father was arrested and sent to jail for life after shooting a Police Officer in a drug bust when Dean was 14. His life only got worse after that, so when he was 16 he ran away from home and never looked back. He lived on the streets doing whatever he needed to do to survive, he had no friends or family, no one to love and he was okay with that; he put a wall around his heart to keep himself from getting hurt, letting no one get too close. He did and said whatever he wanted, not giving a damn what anyone said or thought about it!

His life took an unexpected turn when he was 19, looking for a way to make money, he met a man looking for someone to kill his father for the inheritance. He had never killed anyone before, hell; he had never even held a gun before in his life. He took the job and not only did he realize how good at it he was, but in a sick way, he enjoyed the rush that came from it. Over the years he became better and smarter, never being suspected in any of the killings and the people that hired him weren't either. He soon became one of the best hit men in the business and for years no one could compete with him. Then three years ago, he began to hear about another hitman whose record was close to his; he's never met the man and didn't even know his name, but he wasn't worried. Despite all the money he's made over the years he lives a simple, low-key, regular life, working a regular job so didn't draw attention to himself.

A week ago, while working, his boss Andy ordered him to switch jobs with his idiot nephew Bobby. At first, Dean was pissed, until he saw Roman; he looked like a Greek God, and suddenly he didn't care that Bobby was a complete and utter moron! He told Bobby about the switch and after he was gone he introduced himself, Roman did too, before they went inside to check out his car. Dean was so attracted to Roman, but didn't say anything or ask him out like he wanted, for once in his life he chickened out! Dean worked on Roman's old car for two days, he even went out of his way to get him a deal on parts. Finally, it was ready so he called Roman and let him know he could pick it up tomorrow. The next day, Dean for the first time ever smiled walking into work, ever since he met Roman he couldn't stop thinking and dreaming about Roman and he felt like a damn schoolgirl with a crush! He went to the back room to change, as he did his phone went off with a new text. He took it out of his pocket, already knowing it was a new client; no one else had his number, he opened the message and read it.

The man called himself H and had gotten his number from another client, he then told Dean he needed him to do a job for him and money was no problem. Dean agreed and asked to meet up to talk about the job, but H refused and instead told him he'd text him with the location of the target when it was time and he was to kill them and he'd be paid whatever he wanted. Dean at first wasn't sure about it, until the man offered him double to do it his way and Dean accepted. After ending the conversation, he erased it and put his phone back in his pocket, before he began to change. He couldn't stop thinking about the strange conversation though and he began to doubt whether or not he should have agreed to do it. Nothing about the conversation seemed normal and he had no clue who his target even was, hell, he had no idea who his own client was!

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