Back To Me/Ambreigns

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The police station was busy; typical for a Friday, as the three good-looking men in suits entered the building and went to the front desk. The three men weren't from town, they were highly decorated and respected FBI Agents; they worked together only and were known throughout the entire bureau as The Shield, their names FBI Agent Dean Ambrose, FBI Agent Roman Reigns and FBI Agent Seth Rollins. They had been called to town by the Captain of the police force to help out on a case that had multiple murders at the local mental asylum, but nothing else to go on. They had no leads and needed help, before anyone else died.

Dean sighed, as they sat on the uncomfortable plastic chairs, he loved his job and that he got to work with his two best friends...brothers; they've been best friends since high school and went through the Academy together, working their asses off to get where they were now. A month before joining the Academy Dean and Roman began dating with Seth's full love and support, and now eight years later their love was as strong as ever and they couldn't be happier! Dean nervously looked around, normally his job didn't affect him, but this case for some reason secretly freaked him out, it was the whole asylum part that worried him; he blamed his paranoia on watching too many TV shows and movies about asylums! His thoughts were interrupted by a middle-aged man walking towards them smiling, as he spoke.

"Agents, thank you for coming! I'm Captain Carter Stone." He greeted them, as they stood and shook his hand.

"We're glad we could help." Dean replied smiling.

"Why don't you show us what you have, so we can get to work?" Seth suggested.

"Of course, please follow me gentlemen. We have everything set up for you in an empty interview room." Stone explained, as he led the way to the room.

After arriving at the room, they quickly got settled, as Stone filled them in on everything they knew, which wasn't much; there were five victims, all from the asylum, all of them had died in different ways and all of them had been found in their rooms by the same Doctor. Awhile later they had gone over what the police had collected and decided their next move was to go to the asylum and check out the victim's rooms; starting with the latest vic first. They spoke to Stone and he told them he'd meet them there, so with Seth driving, Roman in the passenger's seat and Dean silently riding in the back, they headed to the asylum. Dean's nervousness was getting worse the closer they got to the asylum, Seth and Roman noticed his unease and Roman looked back at him, as he spoke.

"Hey, you okay babe?" Roman asked concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine Ro! Why?" Dean lied smiling.

"You've been unusually quiet since we arrived in town. What's going on dude?" Seth questioned him.

"Nothing, I'm fine!" Dean said, hoping they'd drop it.

"Wait, are...are you nervous about going to the asylum?" Roman asked smiling, as he looked at Seth; who was smiling too, before they looked back at him.

"What?" Dean said smiling again. "That's crazy, I'm not afraid of going to the damn asylum!"

"If you say so, but if you get too scared you can always hold my hand!" Roman teased, as he and Seth laughed.

"Oh ha, ha! It's laugh along with Reigns and Rollins!" Dean said annoyed, as they arrived. "Can you two Jokers at least pretend to be professionals? We do have a job to do remember?" He added, before he got out, Roman and Seth followed.

"We're sorry D." Roman said, as he kissed him. "We forgiven?"

"Yeah, yeah, you're forgiven!" Dean replied smiling. "Come on, let's go to work."

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