The first thing that hit Dean Ambrose when he woke up was the intense pain in his chest, the second thing that he felt was the coolness of the floor against his face. He lay completely still on his stomach for a few seconds before the pain eventually turned into a dull ache. As soon as it did he used all the strength he could gather and rolled himself onto his back. He lay on his back, eyes closed; breathing heavily as if he had just ran a marathon. A few minutes later, finally, feeling like himself again; only weaker, he opened his eyes and looked around. He was on the floor of the cabin that belonged to his close friend and ally, a kind, elderly man named Xavier, he was in his office. He had been on his way to do a little research when he had had another attack; this one had been the most intense one yet, causing him to pass out. He had no idea how long he had been out and he had no idea when Xavier and their two close friends and allies, Zachariah and Ava, would return to the cabin. Knowing he had no time waste, he used what little strength he had left and managed to get himself into a sitting position, leaning against the wall. He was sweating and in pain, but he refused to give up knowing that he had two people counting on him. They were the two most important people in his life, his two best friends...brothers and former Shield stablemates Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns; Dean's boyfriend. He closed his eyes and hung his head as he thought about everything that's happened to the three of them and how he had been ripped away from his brothers for a second damn time...this time possibly for good!
Dean's life changed three years ago, when his stupid ass drove home drunk and crashed. When he woke from the crash, he had no memory of the accident itself, he was alone surrounded by a bright, white light and was uninjured. He met a beautiful woman named Ava, who told him he had died and was in Heaven. He truly thought she was pranking him, but after a lot of convincing, he finally accepted the truth. For the first four months of his new life, he had done nothing, but watch his brothers live their lives without him. Then one day, Ava came to him and told him he was now a Guardian Angel and had been given his first assignment. At first, Dean refused, until she told him his guides were both his brothers. He tried to get out of it, not knowing anything about how to guide them, but was sent to Earth anyway. Being back with his brothers was hard on him seeing how lost and broken they both were without him; especially Roman.
He's been with them three years now and is slowly getting the hang of being their Guardian Angel; he had no handbook on how to guide them, so he did whatever felt right to him. Of course, being an Angel didn't change Dean at all, he still acted and talked like he did when he was alive and that got him into trouble with Ava! Months ago, frustrated and upset that both his brothers refused to listen to him, Dean returned to Heaven and spoke to Ava. At first, she refused to help, but he finally convinced her too and she told him about Dream Travel; the only way he could see, touch and talk to his brothers again as if he were alive. He trained hard and soon got the hang of it and with strict instructions not to tell his brothers who he really was, he entered their dreams. He talked to them and made them promise to let him go and start living again, when they woke both knew Dean was right and they returned to their old selves; living their lives for Dean too!
Dean was so happy and proud of them, things were back to normal and stayed that way until months ago when Roman and Seth went after the Tag Team Championships. Before and during the match Dean tried to motivate and encourage both his brothers, but neither listened and they barely won the match. Confused why his brothers were acting like that, he decided to Dream Travel one last time; despite Ava forbidding him from doing it again days earlier, without giving him a reason why. He did it and after another long talk, filled with tears and love, he managed to make his brothers see it was okay to move on. After he returned he was confronted by an angry Ava, who told him that because of his ignoring her, they both were in trouble with The Council; a group of Angels who keep order in Heaven.

The Shield One Shots Book 2!
FanfictionAnother book full of one shots! If you have a request for a one shot or you'd like to see another part of a certain one shot I already wrote, feel free to message me and let me know! Enjoy!