Roman Reigns; one third of The Shield, sat on the chair alone in his parents backyard, enjoying the quiet, warm night. He was waiting for his two best friends...brothers and Shield stablemates Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose; who was also Roman's secret boyfriend, to be done with Smackdown so he could call them. He was back home at his parents and they weren't with him. He missed them both so much; especially Dean! As he sat there counting down the minutes until he could talk to them again, he began to think back on everything that's happened the last couple of months.
All his life Roman grew up being taught that a man loves a woman, anything else was wrong and honestly he never thought about it or questioned it, he had always been attracted to women only. That is until Dean freaking Ambrose came crashing into his life and completely turned Roman's world upside down! At first he only felt brotherhood towards Dean; like he did with Seth, until a year ago he found himself feeling differently towards him. At first it was little things; things you could easily make excuses for or even forget about, like thinking how good Dean looked or whenever Dean smiled or was near him he suddenly got butterflies in his stomach. It wasn't until he realized he was falling in love with Dean, that he began to panic! He couldn't love Dean, people would think differently about him and he couldn't handle that, but the thing that made him run from his feelings though, was his family! His family would disown him if they ever found out, so he lied to himself and made himself believe it wasn't happening!
Roman continued running from his love, until one night two months ago, while Seth was spending the night hanging out with Dolph and Sami, Dean and Roman were left by themselves in their room. They had room service and watched a movie together...well, Dean was watching the movie, Roman was starring at Dean, lost in his thoughts of him. Being alone with him made all of Roman's feelings that he's been running from return and after agonizing over it he knew he couldn't lie to himself anymore...he was in love with Dean! Dean caught him starring and confronted him about it, at first he tried to lie and say he was fine, but Dean didn't believe him. Suddenly before Roman could stop himself he kissed Dean, before pulling away upset a few seconds later. They talked and Roman finally confessed his love for Dean. He was not only shocked, but very happy to learn that Dean loved him too! When Dean asked where they went from here, Roman told him that he wanted to give them a chance and Dean did too. Roman though wasn't ready to tell anyone about them; including Seth, and told Dean who surprised Roman by agreeing to keep them a secret. They then went to bed, where they just cuddled together for the rest of the night.
For the next three weeks Dean and Roman were secretly together and for once in Roman's life he was actually happy in a relationship! He didn't feel like he was faking it or lying to himself and he felt like he belonged with Dean. They did normal couple things when they were alone and acted like they were still only brothers around Seth or anyone else. Dean was the perfect boyfriend, he was so patient and loving with him, always making sure Roman was okay. He never pushed Roman to go any further then making out and he never got angry or frustrated with him when Roman stopped them before it could go any further. And he never pushed Roman to tell Seth or anyone about their relationship. As time went on though, Roman was finding it harder and harder to keep his hands off Dean and stop when they made out. Finally one night three weeks after they started going out; while Seth was hanging out with Dolph and Sami again, Roman knew he was ready to be with the man he loved. When he told Dean he was ready, Dean made sure this was something Roman wanted and that he was completely ready to do it. Roman had been so nervous their first time together, but Dean made sure he was comfortable and he was so gentle and loving with Roman the entire time; it was another side of Dean he had never seen before and it made him fall deeper in love with him because of it.

The Shield One Shots Book 2!
FanfictionAnother book full of one shots! If you have a request for a one shot or you'd like to see another part of a certain one shot I already wrote, feel free to message me and let me know! Enjoy!