The Bully And The Nerd Pt20/Ambrollins

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 Dean sighed, as he ran his hands over his face, he was exhausted mentally and physically because of going to school and working back at the garage, saving up money for his baby...damn, that still felt weird to say. Since finding out that Nikki was pregnant two weeks ago, his life has changed dramatically, he still went to school and worked his ass off, but now, every day after school, he worked at the garage. He barely had time to eat and sleep, but thankfully, he'd be graduating soon, and then he'd be able to have a little more free time. Of course, his girlfriend wasn't too happy with this, they hardly spent any time together and she'd bitch or cry about feeling neglected and he ended up doing whatever she wanted because of the baby. He hasn't seen or spoken to Seth since their conversation at the diner and he'd give anything to be back with Seth, but it was impossible because like always, Dean had fucked up and now he had to face the consequences. He sighed again, as he looked down at the last three questions of his math homework; the only shit he had left to do thankfully, his eyes were so blurry from sleep that he couldn't see them clearly. He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes, he just needed 10 minutes and then he'd be able to finish his work.

 A half-hour later, Roman was on his way to bed when he noticed Dean's light was still on, so he decided to go keep him company. Going into the room, he saw Dean passed out in his chair at his desk, sighing, he leaned against the doorframe, crossed his arms, and watched him sleep. Despite the shit circumstances thrown at his brother, Dean had manned up and didn't run from his problems. Roman was so damn proud of him, but he was also worried, Dean was running himself to the point of exhaustion. Of course, whenever Roman or his parents, who now knew about the baby, tried to talk to him, Dean brushed them off, telling them he was fine and knew what he was doing. He walked over to Dean's desk and looked at what he had left to do, it was only his math and it was only three questions. He grabbed the work and a pencil, before he sat on the bed and did the last questions for him. When he was done, he put everything back on the desk, before he quietly went to the door and called out to Dean.

 "I'm awake!" Dean said, as he quickly sat up and grabbed his pencil.

 "Go to bed, dude, you're exhausted." Roman said gently.

 "I will, I just need to finish my math, I have three questions left." Dean replied, as he ran his hands over his face trying to wake himself up, before he looked at his books confused.

 "What's wrong?" Roman asked.

 "My math's done, I...I could have sworn I had three questions left." Dean said.

 "Maybe you're more tired than you thought, dude, and don't remember doing them." Roman said.

 "Yeah, maybe." Dean replied sighing, as he stood and stretched.

 "Night, D." Roman said smiling, as Dean walked to his bed and fell onto it face first.

 "Night." Dean's muffled voice came from the pillow.

 Roman smiled, shaking his head he turned out the light and left shut the door behind him.

**The Next Day**:

 Seth sighed, as he grabbed his textbook from his locker, he hated coming to school now that Dean and Nikki were together, she constantly rubbed it in that she was with the man that Seth loved. At least, he had Roman to help him through the bullshit, he was just grateful that he didn't lose Roman too. He still loved and wanted Dean, but he was with Nikki now and they were going to have a baby. They could still be friends though, couldn't they? He wouldn't know anything about exes, he had never had a boyfriend before, but he knew that it sometimes worked like that in certain relationships. He hasn't spoken to Dean since the night at the diner, but he's seen him around school and he looked so tired all the time, he was worried and he had asked Roman about it. He had told Seth everything and even though the wound was still fresh, hearing what Dean was doing made Seth so damn proud of him. Deciding it was better to have Dean in his life, as a friend, he went looking for him at his locker, instead of Dean though, he found Roman.

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