Dean Ambrose; one third of The Shield, stood outside the resturant tugging on his shirt collar and tie; extremely uncomfortable in his suit, as he waited for his two best friends...brothers and Shield stablemates Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins to join him with the trio's mutual friend and co-worker Paige. He leaned against the wall and sighed, as he began to think of the stupid bet he had made with Seth and how because of it all four of their lives would be changed forever!
The trio are extremely close; like one person with three heads, they were alike in every way, except! When it came to dating Dean and Seth have the same luck and attitude; they're able to get whoever they want to go out with them and they always end with them sleeping with their dates. Very rarely do they get told no and when they do, they love to tease the hell out of each other over it. Roman loved his brothers, but hated their attitudes towards dating and made sure both knew it; he was an old fashioned kind of guy when it came to dating.
A week ago, Dean and Seth were at catering, waiting for Roman, Dean began teasing Seth about his horrible date he had had the night before. Which then led Seth to come up with an idea for them to settle once and for all which one of them was the better man at getting someone to fall for them! He came up with a bet to see which one of them could not only get someone into bed first, but also get the person to fall in love with them first! Of course Dean refused when he heard they had to get the person to fall in love with them; he didn't do love, never been in love and never wanted too! Seth teased him, until he finally gave in and they agreed on the amount of four hundred dollars. They also agreed to choose each other's targets and to make it easy, they agreed to pick the first and second people that walked through the door; Dean went first picking for Seth.
Paige came in first, both men knew she'd be tough to win over, Dean thought he had the bet won, until the second person walked in...Roman! Dean wasn't sure it was a good idea to bring their brother into it, but agreed again after Seth taunted him into it; Seth would go after Paige and Dean would go after Roman. Dean felt guilty about using Roman, but refused to let Seth win! So, for the last week, both men have been flirting with them and showing them extra attention. Of course at first both were suspicious of the new attention, but both Dean and Seth were able to lie and convince them it was all innocent. Two days ago the trio were spending time with Paige in their locker room, before the show. When it was showtime Seth walked her to her locker room, leaving Dean alone with Roman. While they were alone Dean asked Roman out on a date, but Roman quickly lied and made up an excuse telling him he couldn't before he left the room. Dean was shocked Roman turned him down, especially after noticing the way Roman has been looking at him and acting differently around him, he refused to give up though he was going to win this bet! Meanwhile, after walking Paige to her locker room Seth asked her out on a date and like Roman, she made up an excuse and turned him down, before going inside leaving him in the hallway. Seth was shocked, but refused to give up, he was going to win this bet.
Then yesterday, Dean returned to their locker room and found Roman alone. Noticing how weird Roman was acting, he asked if he was okay and Roman said he wanted to talk to Dean about his asking him out. At first Dean didn't want to, but Roman finally told him he'd go out with him. Happy Dean hugged him, but Roman told him there was one condition for their date, but before he could tell Dean what it was Seth and Paige joined them. Finally Roman told him it would be a double date with Seth and Paige. At first Dean tried to get out of it, but finally agreed and after talking Paige and Roman convinced Dean and Seth to let them plan and pay for the date.
So, tonight after getting dressed in a damn suit and tie; which he hated, he lived in jeans, he met up with Seth and Roman; both in suits and ties too, in the main part of their room. He had forgotten how good Roman looked in a suit. Once they were all ready they left to pick up Paige at her room, on the way he had talked to Roman; practically forgetting Seth was with them. While Seth went to Paige's door, he and Roman went to the elevator and waited. The guilt of what they were doing tried to get to him, but he pushed it away, reminding himself that he wasn't going to let Rollins win the bet!

The Shield One Shots Book 2!
FanfictionAnother book full of one shots! If you have a request for a one shot or you'd like to see another part of a certain one shot I already wrote, feel free to message me and let me know! Enjoy!