Officer Dean Ambrose stood under the water in his shower, letting the hot water ease the tension in his shoulders. He had just gotten home from another long shift at work and decided to have a long, hot shower to try and relax. As he washed himself, he heard his phone ring again for the 1000th time and he sighed annoyed, knowing exactly who it was. It would be one of three people he had no interest in talking to after what happened tonight at work; it was either his partner Officer Seth Rollins, Dean's best and former partner Officer Roman Reigns or Roman's new partner Officer Dolph Ziggler. His phone stopped ringing and he sighed again, as he put his hands on the wall in front of him and leaning forward with his eyes closed, he hung his head under the spray of water. As he did he thought about his relationship with the three men and how he wished things were different!
Dean and Roman have been partners for six years, but best friends since high school. They were so close, they knew everything about each other and could communicate without speaking. They were a great team, hard workers and they always solved their cases. Life was great, until months ago they were called into Captain Stone's office, where they were introduced to Seth and Dolph; both rookies straight out of the academy. That's when they learned that they were being split up; no reason given for it except that Stone's boss wanted it done. Of course, both men were furious and threatened to quit, but Stone convinced them to stay after he promised them he'd try and fix it; Dean was partnered with Seth and Roman was with Dolph. After they left Stone's office Roman talked to Dean and tried to get him to calm down, but he was pissed!
That same day all four were sent out on calls, Dean took control and gave Seth the nickname Rookie, which he hates; making Dean love it! From their first callout, up until now Dean has kept Seth at a distance and refused to form any kind of bond with either Seth or Dolph; he hated being separated from Roman! Roman, on the other hand, felt completely different towards Seth and Dolph; he hated being separated from Dean, but welcomed the men, Roman had formed a friendship with them. Roman was like that though, he was a gentle Samoan Giant; until you pissed him off then he'd rip you apart with his bare hands! Dean, on the other hand, was guarded and kept everyone at a distance, trusting no one and letting no one into his heart except Roman! No matter what Roman said or did to try and get Dean to get to know the two men, nothing worked!
A few days after they were made partners, Dean and Seth were sent to a call about a drunken disturbance outside a bar. When they arrived they spoke to the bouncers, Dean like usual took charge of the call and things were going well, until they went to arrest the man and he took off running. Dean and Seth gave chase; Dean called in for backup as they ran, Dean stayed close to the guy, but not close enough to be able to do anything to stop him, while Seth was only steps behind Dean. The guy climbed over a fence and disappeared around a corner into an alley, both men climbed over the fence too and once on the other side Dean tried to tell Seth what to do, but before he could Seth took off alone after the guy. Angrily Dean took off the other way and found them, the guy tried to sneak up behind Seth, but Dean warned him, before he tackled the guy to the ground.
As Dean and the guy fought, Seth saw the knife in the guy's hand and warned Dean, he tried to help, but Dean wouldn't let him and Seth told their backup where they were. The guy cut Dean on the arm, but he continued fighting until he finally managed to get the knife away from him and he was in handcuffs. Their backup; including Roman and Dolph, arrived while Dean angrily confronted Seth about what he had done. Roman stopped him and told Seth and Dolph to take the guy to the station, while he took Dean to the hospital for stitches. A couple hours later Dean and Roman returned to the station, Seth tried to talk to Dean in the locker room, but at first, Dean just ignored him. Finally, he yelled at Seth, telling him this wasn't the academy, they don't get do-overs or second chances, he was reckless and if he didn't get his act together than he was on his own, before he stormed out without giving Seth a chance to respond. It's been weeks since that fight and Dean still treated Seth like he always has, Seth has gotten a little better though, letting Dean take charge on every call; maybe the rookie was finally learning?

The Shield One Shots Book 2!
FanfictionAnother book full of one shots! If you have a request for a one shot or you'd like to see another part of a certain one shot I already wrote, feel free to message me and let me know! Enjoy!