True Love/Ambreigns

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Roman Reigns; one third of The Shield, lay in bed on his back, starring at the ceiling. He turned his head and saw his two best friends...brothers and Shield stablemates Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins asleep in their bed's. He sighed again, as he looked back at the ceiling, wishing he could fall asleep too, but like usual he couldn't. He couldn't sleep because of the racing thoughts in his head; thoughts that had him so confused about not only himself, but also about love and everything he thought he knew about it.

All his life Roman grew up being taught that a man loves a woman, anything else was wrong and honestly he never thought about it or questioned it, he had always been attracted to women only. That is until Dean freaking Ambrose came crashing into his life and completely turned Roman's world upside down! At first he only felt brotherhood towards Dean; like he did with Seth, until a year ago he found himself feeling differently towards him. At first it was little things; things you could easily make excuses for or even forget about, like thinking how good Dean looked or whenever Dean smiled or was near him he suddenly got butterflies in his stomach. It wasn't until he realized he was falling in love with Dean, that he began to panic! He couldn't love Dean, people would think differently about him and he couldn't handle that, but the thing that made him run from his feelings though, was his family! His family would disown him if they ever found out, so he lied to himself and made himself believe it wasn't happening! He sighed again, dammit he needed to stop thinking of Dean, if he didn't he was going to drive himself crazy! So, he rolled over onto his side putting his back to his brothers and closed his eyes, forcing himself to go to sleep; at least when he was sleeping he couldn't lust after Dean!

**A Week Later**:

Dean sat on the couch in the hotel room he shared with his brothers, Seth had gone to hang with Dolph and Sami after the show and was going to crash in their room tonight. So, that left him and Roman alone, which Dean didn't mind since he was madly, crazy in love with the gorgeous Samoan! Of course no one knew about his love; especially Roman, he knew his brother was 100 percent straight and nothing would ever happen between them, so he told no one about his love not wanting to lose Roman over it. Dean had already showered, changed and was waiting for Roman to be done in the shower so they could eat dinner and watch TV.

"Hey, you order yet? I'm starving!" Roman asked, as he came out of the bathroom.

"Yeah, it should be here..." Dean began, but knocking on the door cut him off. "Now!" He added smiling, as he got up and answered the door.

An hour later, dinner was done and they were sitting on opposite ends of the couch watching a movie...well, Dean was watching the movie, Roman was starring at Dean, lost in his thoughts of him. Being alone with him tonight made all of Roman's feelings that he's been running from return and after agonizing over it he knew he couldn't lie to himself anymore...he was in love with Dean!

"Not like the movie?" Dean asked smiling, breaking into his thoughts.

"What?" Roman asked, looking at him confused.

"Alright dude, what is going on with you?" Dean asked sighing, as he shut the TV off and turned to face him.

"Nothing, I'm fine! I really am Dean!" Roman replied, as he stood and began walking away.

"Oh, okay! We're playing this game huh?" Dean said smiling, as he stood too.

"Game? What game?" Roman asked, as he turned to face him.

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