Roman Reigns paced the parking lot outside the police station, he was, he was pissed! He had arrived at the station an hour ago, with his best Seth Rollins and their close friend Dolph Ziggler; who was also Seth's roommate. When they arrived they were met outside by their lawyer Carter Franks. He told them to stay calm, quiet and to let him handle everything. The reason they were there was because Roman's boyfriend, Seth's best and Dolph's close friend Dean Ambrose had been arrested! When the four men went into the station they demanded to see the two Detectives in charge of Dean's case and were told to sit and wait, they'd talk to them when they could. After waiting for an hour, Roman couldn't do it any longer and told them he was going to get some fresh air. He's been outside now for 10 minutes and all he could think about was Dean! He sighed shakily, as he sat on a bench, he began to think about everything that's happened and how this nightmare began.
The trio have been best friends since they met in elementary school, clicking from the moment they met. All their lives they remained close, no one and nothing could come between them, but one man named Randy Orton came close! Randy came into their lives five years ago, when he started dating Dean and both Roman and Seth despised Randy because they knew he was abusing Dean. Randy despised both of them too because they weren't afraid of him like everyone else was. Roman and Seth tried to get Dean to leave Randy, but he wouldn't; defending him to his brothers, hiding the abuse.
Finally one day unable to stay quiet any longer, Roman confessed his love to Dean and he confessed his love back to Roman. Wanting to be together, but afraid of Randy, the trio decided to run away together. While Dean was at home packing, Randy found and attacked him, but Roman and Seth arrived and stopped him. Randy took off before the police arrived though, after talking to the police and getting Dean checked out at the hospital, they left town like planned.
While on the road, Dean; with his brothers love and support, slowly returned to his old self, both his brothers so proud of him. It killed his brothers to see Dean so afraid and knowing Randy was capable of anything, they secretly bought a gun and hid it from Dean. Months ago, after returning to their room, Randy burst in he had come for Dean, but Roman and Seth refused to let him take him! When they refused again, Randy using the gun he had stolen from them, shot Seth once, before he took off with Dean. Seth told Roman to go after Dean, but he was too late, he returned to Seth and called 911; Seth was shot in the shoulder, no major damage, just stitches and a sling.
Days passed with no contact from Dean and both his brothers were scared shitless, both felt like they had failed him. Then one night Roman received an email from him telling them that Randy was going out of town for two days and Dean would be going to Randy's office for him the next day to get a briefcase. He told them to leave a phone in the bushes out front of the building for him and he'd use it to contact them when he could. They did and he called them that night warning them to stay away from the house, which was now guarded by Randy's men, who were told to shoot and kill both Roman and Seth if they came anywhere near the house or Dean!
The next day Dean called and told them about their new ally in one of Randy's men, Dolph Ziggler. At first neither were sure if they could trust Dolph or not, but eventually grew too; both realized though, that Dolph had feelings for Dean and were worried about that, especially Roman! Dolph was going to help Dean escape and then kill Randy himself, but somehow Randy found out and put both Dean and Dolph on lock-down, before he went and confronted Roman and Seth. It took a month after Randy found out for Dolph to be able to contact them again and when he did he told them that Dean had completely given up, even his brothers talking to him couldn't change Dean's mind. After three weeks of no contact, Dolph called them weeks ago and told them Dean was at the hospital, after Randy beat him badly. They rushed to the hospital scared they might lose Dean and spoke with Doctor Grant and learned that Randy; backed by Dolph, had lied and told everyone that someone had broken into their house and attacked Dean. Needing to keep Dean safe they spoke to Doctor Grant to try and convince him of the abuse and he promised to do all he could; which unless Dean told the police of the abuse, there wasn't much he could do.

The Shield One Shots Book 2!
FanfictionAnother book full of one shots! If you have a request for a one shot or you'd like to see another part of a certain one shot I already wrote, feel free to message me and let me know! Enjoy!