Tension filled the room, as the three men; Officers Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, and Dolph Ziggler, stared angrily at the two men in front of them; their suspect Thomas and the man he was holding hostage at gunpoint, Officer Dean Ambrose. Seth locked eyes with Dean, he had a plan, but he wasn't sure if it would work, maybe he should just forget about it and let Roman take the lead, he did know Thomas after all. Dammit, what the hell should he do? Dean's life was on the line, they didn't have time to think of anything complicated. All of them knew that if Thomas made it out of here with Dean, then once the bastard didn't need him anymore he'd kill him without hesitation or a second damn thought. That thought terrified him, he didn't want to lose Dean, he had thought that there might be a chance; no matter how small, that after they both were given new partners, Dean might finally let him in.
"Good, little piggy's." Thomas mocked them smiling, breaking into Seth's thoughts. "Now, here's what we're going to do next, Officer Pretty Boy and I are going to leave nice and slowly, and you three are going to let us. If any of you try anything, I won't hesitate to put a bullet in his pretty, little head, understand?" He said, all three men nodded silently. "Well, Officer Muscle-Head, it's been fun catching up, but I think it's time for us to go."
Seth internally panicked, he couldn't let the bastard leave with Dean, he quickly locked eyes with Dean again, he needed to do his plan now, before they made it out of there. Suddenly, Dean nodded slightly, no one else noticed it, but Seth did and knew that was his cue to be ready for whatever his Lunatic partner was going to do. Dean elbowed Thomas hard in the stomach, causing him to release his grip on him and double over. Dean then elbowed him in the face, while Seth kicked his gun to Dean, in one fluid motion he reached down, picked up the gun, and pointed it at Thomas. Everything next happened in super speed, as both men fired their guns at the same time, both of their bullets finding their targets. Both men hit the floor, neither moved, time seemed to stop, as Seth saw the blood surround both of their unmoving bodies. Suddenly, Dean groaned and time returned to normal, Seth rushed to Dean with Dolph, while Roman quickly rushed to Thomas. After checking Dean over they realized that thankfully, he had only been shot once in his shoulder. They put pressure on his wound, as they heard Roman radio for an ambulance for Dean, before he joined them.
"Is...is the bastard dead?" Dean asked bitterly, as he tried to sit up, but Seth and Dolph wouldn't let him, he winced as they applied more pressure to his wound.
"Yeah, D, he's dead." Roman replied, as he secured Thomas' weapon, before he crouched down beside him.
"Good, the son-of-a-bitch shot me." Dean said bitterly. "Would you two get the hell off of me, dammit." He demanded angrily, trying to push them away.
"Dammit, Dean, you've just been shot, we have to apply pressure to the wound to stop the bleeding." Seth said annoyed.
"I'm fine, dammit." Dean stated, as he tried to sit up, but the pain stopped him.
"Oh, yeah, Ambrose, you're really fine, huh?" Roman said sarcastically, as Dean just glared at him.
**The Next Morning**:
Dean sighed, as he sat up in his uncomfortable hospital bed, wincing from the movement. He despised hospitals, hated everything about them, but thanks to that bastard, Thomas, he was once again stuck in one. His only consolation was that he had killed the prick, he wouldn't be able to hurt anyone ever again. He'd have to stay in the hospital for at least a couple of days because of the shot to his shoulder. It hadn't been a clean shot, so he had to have surgery last night to get the bullet out and clean up any damage from it. Which meant that he was stuck here for a couple of days to make sure he didn't develop an infection. After he was healed, he'd need a couple of months at least, of physiotherapy to get full movement back in his shoulder before he could get back to work. He sighed frustrated, as he tried to get comfortable, but that was easier said than done with a damn bullet hole in his shoulder and his damn arm in a sling. Thankfully, he hasn't seen or spoken to Roman, Seth, or Dolph since he was brought to the hospital, so at least something was going right for him.

The Shield One Shots Book 2!
FanfictionAnother book full of one shots! If you have a request for a one shot or you'd like to see another part of a certain one shot I already wrote, feel free to message me and let me know! Enjoy!