Back To Me Pt8/Ambreigns

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 FBI Agent Roman Reigns sighed as he ran his hands over his face, before he stood up, went to the window and looked out of it at the dark night. He was exhausted mentally, physically and emotionally, but he couldn't sleep, not until his best, partner and boyfriend FBI Agent Dean Ambrose woke up from his coma. He had been keeping a constant vigil by Dean's side for the last two days now along with the duo's best and partner FBI Agent Seth Rollins. While Roman stayed with Dean, Seth split his time between the hospital and the Police station, working on the case that had been the reason the trio had come to town in the first place. He felt so guilty that Seth was doing all the work on the case, but his brother had assured him that it was okay. He sighed again, as he returned to his seat and took Dean's hand and began to think about his brothers and how this nightmare started.

 The trio are highly decorated and respected FBI Agents; they work together only and are known throughout the entire bureau as The Shield. They've been best friends since high school and went through the Academy together, working their asses off to get where they were now. A month before joining the Academy Dean and Roman began dating with Seth's full love and support, and now eight years later their love was as strong as ever and they couldn't be happier!

 They had been called to town by the Captain of the police force; Carter Stone, to help out on a case that had multiple murders at the local mental asylum, but they had nothing else to go on. They had no leads and needed help, before anyone else died. Ever since they arrived in town both Roman and Seth have noticed that Dean seemed different...uneasy. Normally his job didn't affect him, but this case for some reason seemed to freak him out. Roman believed it was the whole asylum part that worried him; and just like Dean did, he blamed his paranoia on watching too many TV shows and movies about asylums.

 After arriving at the station, they quickly got settled, Stone filled them in on everything they knew, which wasn't much; there were five victims, all from the asylum, all of them had died in different ways and all of them had been found in their rooms by the same Doctor. A while later they had gone over what the police had collected and decided their next move was to go to the asylum and check out the victim's rooms; starting with the latest vic first. They spoke to Stone and he told them he'd meet them there, so with Seth driving, Roman in the passenger's seat and Dean silently riding in the back, they headed to the asylum.

 The whole drive Dean sat quietly in the backseat, when they arrived at the asylum Roman asked if he was okay. Dean told them he was, unable to resist teasing the usually unshakable Ambrose though, both he and Seth began to bug him about his little fear of asylums. Dean didn't think it was funny and they apologized, before they got out and met Stone at the entrance. He took them to the latest vic's room; her name was Carrie White, he then told them all he knew about what happened. She was a patient, she was discovered in her room that morning, on the floor by her Doctor when she didn't show up for her group. Then he told them their Coroner Dr. King took her to the morgue two hours before they arrived.

 They had taken pictures of her before he moved her and noticed she had restraint marks on both her arms and legs; just like the other victims. After getting the info Dean sent Stone to find the Doctor who found her, while they began their search of the room. After he left looking around the room they realized there was no blood anywhere; including where the body had been, which meant this wasn't their crime scene. They decided to check the room anyway in case there was something there that led them to their real crime scene.

 They began searching the entire room, working quickly; but thoroughly, leaving nothing unchecked. As they searched Roman found a single drop of blood on the inside door handle. After taking a picture of it he took a sample and moved on. While he did that Dean and Seth checked the bed, they noticed there were restraints on it, so Dean took pictures of them to compare them to the marks on the body. After he was done they checked the sheets and discovered dried stains on them; unsure if they were semen stains or not they took pictures of them, before they took the sheets for testing.

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