Dean Ambrose; one-third of The Shield, slowly began to wake up, the first thing that hit him before he even opened his eyes, was the dull ache in his head. He groaned and rolled over onto his back, only then realizing he was on a bed. He couldn't remember falling asleep, hell he couldn't even remember going back to the hotel, let alone going to bed. Damn, whatever he drank last night was some good shit, he'll have to get it again, if he can figure out what it was. As he lay quietly, he heard two familiar voices groan from either side of him and he smiled, yep, hearing that made it official, they were definitely getting more of whatever the hell it was!
"I don't have a freaking clue what we got into last night, boys, but if it's good enough to knock all three of us on our asses, I say we get more of it!" Dean said, still smiling with his eyes closed.
"What the hell?" Roman said confused. "Uh, guys, where are we?"
"Wow, dude, I know that shit was strong, but there's no way you're still that drunk to not know we're at the hotel!" Dean stated, before he laughed.
"Dean, we aren't at the hotel." Seth's voice spoke up.
"Not you too, Seth! I..." Dean trailed off, as he finally opened his eyes and sat up, finding himself in a room he didn't recognize. "What the actual hell?"
"Do either of you remember anything about last night?" Seth asked upset.
"No!" Roman replied. "Nothing!"
"Me neither." Dean added, as he stood and began looking around his new room.
"Guys, what the hell is that around your necks?" Roman asked, causing Dean and Seth to reach for their necks. "They...they look like dog collars."
"Yeah, well you've got one too, big dog!" Dean pointed out, as Roman touched his neck.
Suddenly, the room was filled with a bright, white light, all three men instantly shielded their eyes, as the sound of a door unlocking and then opening was heard. Seconds later the sound of footsteps was heard coming downstairs and into the room, they stopped in front of the trio, but all they could see of the person was a black shadow; the light preventing them from making out any details.
"Who the hell are you and where are we?" Dean demanded angrily.
Instead of getting an answer, a sudden jolt of electricity hit Dean from the collar he wore. He cried out in pain, as he grabbed at his neck and fell to his knees. Seth and Roman were helpless, as they watched their brother be shocked, they banged on the glass walls, yelling at the person to stop! Finally, it did and Dean leaned against the glass, still on the ground, his head hung low and his eyes closed, as he breathed through the pain.
"Manners are everything, Mr. Ambrose." A deep, male voice spoke scolding him. "I' am The Collector and you three are the newest pieces of my collection. There is no escape and no one is coming for you, no one knows who I' am. I will return in exactly one hour, I have business to take care of." Collector said, before he walked away.
After he left the room the lights returned to normal, Dean got back to his feet and began pacing, Seth and Roman watched him silently. Dean was beyond pissed, that son-of-a-bitch wanted to play games, fine they'd play and when they won, he was going to beat the hell out of The Collector!
Detective Conner Frazier and his longtime partner Detective Zander Reed pulled into the parking lot of the Sparks arena, they were there to follow up on a phone call they had received about three missing men, who had been taken by an unknown person the Detectives knew well!

The Shield One Shots Book 2!
FanfictionAnother book full of one shots! If you have a request for a one shot or you'd like to see another part of a certain one shot I already wrote, feel free to message me and let me know! Enjoy!