Dean Ambrose; one-third of The Shield, sat on the edge of his bed in the room that had been a prison to him and his two best friends...brothers and Shield stablemates Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins; Dean's boyfriend, for the last two days. He got up and began pacing, he looked at his brothers who were separated from him by glass walls and saw that both were sleeping; at least they could escape for a little while that way. He had no idea who the bastard was that had them; only that he called himself The Collector, and he had no idea what he wanted from them. So far, all the prick has done to them was shock them, using the shock collars around their necks, but he knew that was only the beginning.
"Have you slept at all?" Roman's tired voice spoke.
"I thought you were sleeping?" Dean said, as he stopped pacing and looked at him, Roman stood and went to the glass dividing them.
"I was, but I woke up and saw you pacing." Roman answered. "Now, did you sleep?"
"A little, it's hard to sleep when some psycho has you and your brothers held prisoner!" Dean answered angrily.
"Guys, I'm so hungry." Seth's voice spoke, as he sat up.
"I know, baby boy, we all are." Dean said sighing.
Suddenly, the room filled with a bright, white light, all three men froze knowing the bastard was coming. Seconds later the sound of the door unlocking and opening was heard, before footsteps were heard coming downstairs and into the room. They stopped in front of them and again all they could see was a black shadow; the light prevented them from making out any details.
"Hello, boys." Collector greeted them.
"Come to finally let us out?" Dean questioned angrily.
"No, I've come to take care of my treasures."
"What?" Roman asked confused.
"I'm a collector and as one we take care of our treasures; especially our prized pieces. You three are my prized collection, so I'm going to allow you to bathe, eat and have something to drink. Don't take me for a fool, gentlemen, I don't plan on letting the three of you anywhere near each other, so any thoughts of ambushing me are pointless."
"You do realize, you son-of-a-bitch, that the second you come near one of us, we're going to kick your ass and then we're out of here!" Dean said smiling.
"I told you not to take me for a fool, Dean!" Collector said sighing. "I said I was allowing you to do all of that, I never said I was going to be anywhere near you."
"How the hell are you going to that without coming near us?" Seth asked confused.
"Just like this." Collector replied, before he went to the wall and pushed a button.
All three men watched him confused, before they looked at each other. Seconds later their rooms began to fill with an invisible gas, the same kind he had used to knock them out in their car. There was nothing they could do and nowhere to go, they began coughing, before one by one; starting with Dean, then Seth and finally Roman, they passed out. Collector sighed annoyed, as he turned the gas off, he looked at his watch, knowing he had a meeting with this morning with those two incompetent Detectives, so he had to leave his treasures sleep and when he returned he'd take care of them.

The Shield One Shots Book 2!
FanfictionAnother book full of one shots! If you have a request for a one shot or you'd like to see another part of a certain one shot I already wrote, feel free to message me and let me know! Enjoy!