Roman Reigns paced the living room of his parent's ranch house, while his parents talked privately in his father's office. He was anxiously waiting to see if his little talk with them about two of their ranch hands had worked. These weren't just any ranch hands though, they were his two former best friends...brothers Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose; the man Roman was secretly in love with. Both men had been accused of stealing from his parents and Roman not believing they did it, had tried to convince his parents of their innocence. As he paced waiting for their decision, he thought about everything that's happened between them and how the two men were strangers to him now, when not that long ago the three of them had been inseparable.
Roman grew up on the ranch, the only child to his extremely rich and powerful parents, who he was very close to. Growing up and to this day, despite being born into wealth, Roman never used his family's money or power to get what he wanted in life. He was a hard worker and did things his own way; if you didn't know who he was, you'd never know he was rich. Roman knew everyone who worked on the ranch over the years, but had only become close to Seth; who has worked for the Reigns family for eight years now.
After being gone for three years; living in the city, Roman had returned to run the ranch a few months ago, after his mother had called him to tell him his father had fallen ill. The day after he got there, Seth had taken him around the ranch, showing him all the new additions and to meet the new ranch hands. On the tour Seth introduced him to Dean, when Roman had first laid eyes on Dean he instantly was attracted to him; he was damn good looking! During their first conversation Roman learned Dean had been working on the ranch for two years and had become close to Seth; like Roman was. Over the months, Roman couldn't stop thinking of Dean and it drove him crazy! He looked forward to seeing Dean and found any excuse he could think of to be around him. The more time Roman spent with Dean, the more his attraction grew, it started off as just a physical attraction, but after talking to him and getting to know him better, he was just as attracted to Dean's mind and personality too. Over time Roman and Dean became close too, the trio were always together.
Weeks ago, while Roman was outside talking to Seth and Dean, a fancy, black car pulled into the driveway. A handsome, well dressed, blond man got out; you could tell by his appearance and the way he acted that he was someone with a lot of money. The trio continued talking, ignoring the man, until Roman's parents came out and called them over to join them. Roman's father introduced him to Ben Carter; the son of another rancher who had done a lot of business with Roman's father over the years. Roman not liking the way Ben was checking him out, quickly introduced Ben to Dean and Seth. Ben was rude to the two men and thought they were beneath him, which made the trio angry. When Roman's mom suggested they go eat lunch, Roman tried to get out of it, but couldn't. So, he had to suffer through two hours of boring conversation and pathetic flirting from Ben. During lunch, Ben asked Roman out. He had turned him down, but Roman's father told Ben that Roman would and so he was stuck going on the damn date! After lunch, Roman had gone to find Dean and Seth and ran into Seth at the barn. He went with him to where Dean was waiting at the new fence they were building. Both men asked how his lunch went and at first Roman lied, but after they bugged him he finally told them about the date. Seth came up with the brilliant idea to get out of the date all Roman had to do was pretend he was sick. So, that's what Roman did and it worked, the date had been cancelled and a week later there was no sign of or word from Ben and Roman couldn't be happier!
A few weeks ago Roman was in the barn talking to Dean alone, when Seth joined them, except he wasn't alone he had Ben with him. Ben told them he was here to pick Roman up for his date; Roman's dad had set it up. Unable to get out of it Roman left to get ready, before he met Ben at his car. The date was horrible and for days after it he couldn't get rid of him! He was either always at the ranch or taking Roman on some boring, expensive date trying to impress him. The worst part about it was not being able to spend any time with Seth or Dean. Until weeks ago, he finally managed to get away from Ben and went looking for his brothers. He found Dean first; alone in the barn feeding the animals. He tried talking to him, but Dean acted cold and formal with Roman; calling him sir and acting like an employee instead of a friend! He then left the barn with no explanation, confused Roman went to find Seth; if anyone would know what happened, it was him! As he searched for Seth, he hoped that whatever was wrong with Dean, wasn't affecting Seth too. He found Seth working alone in the barn, but before he could talk to him Ben found him. Seth saw them and tried to talk to Roman, but Ben lied and said they had to go and they left, before Roman could find out what was wrong with Dean. Days later Roman found Dean fixing the fence for the new corral and went to talk to him. He still treated Roman like a stranger, before he could find out why Seth joined them, Roman was so happy to see him; he hoped Seth could help him figure out what was going on. Before Seth could say anything though Ben found them, Seth tried again to get Roman to listen, but Ben wouldn't leave and talked crap to Seth. Angrily Dean confronted Roman about it, wanting to know if he was going to do something about it and stop Ben, but Roman didn't. Upset Seth told Roman to forget it and calling him boss; acting like Dean towards him, they left angrily.

The Shield One Shots Book 2!
FanfictionAnother book full of one shots! If you have a request for a one shot or you'd like to see another part of a certain one shot I already wrote, feel free to message me and let me know! Enjoy!