Roman Reigns sighed, as he finished getting dressed after his shower, he was alone right now in the hotel room he shared with his best and fiancee Dean Ambrose. Dean had gone to get them some coffee, before they went to the gym for a workout. After he was dressed, he grabbed his workout bag and Dean's, before he went to the main part of the room. He put their bags by the door and sighing he sat on the couch, he was worried about Dean. The last few days he's been quiet and distracted, but whenever he'd ask him about it he just blew him off, saying he was fine, before changing the subject. Even though he had no proof, he knew whatever was bothering Dean had to do with their former best and Shield stablemate Seth Rollins; the slimy, two-toned, traitor, douchebag, sellout! Sighing again he began to think of his life with Dean and that walking pile of garbage, Rollins!
Roman had met Dean years earlier when they were in NXT together, even though they were complete opposites they clicked from the moment they met. They started off as best friends...brothers, but quickly fell in love; it was the first time in Dean's life he had ever been in love. They dated a year, before Dean afraid of hurting Roman broke up with him; not knowing how to be someone's boyfriend, but they remained brothers. A month after their break up they met that two-toned, sellout, scumbag Rollins! He clicked instantly with both men and became best friends...brothers with both Dean and Roman. Not long after the trio became brothers, Dean found love for the second time and it was with Seth! They began dating the first Raw after The Shield's debut in the WWE, Roman pretended he was okay with it for Dean's sake.
Then on June 2nd, 2014, Dean and Roman's world crumbled when Seth betrayed them and joined The Authority, not only ending The Shield, but also Seth and Dean's relationship too! Dean and Roman became closer and together they not only moved on, but they enjoyed ruining Seth and The Authority's plans every chance they got! At the time Dean and Roman weren't officially back together, but they did couple things; including making love. Then one night months ago, after Seth retained his title in a fatal 4-way match; against Dean, Roman and Randy, Seth came to his former brothers and begged them to talk to him. The trio went out for drinks and talked, Seth apologized, both Dean and Roman wanted to believe him, but both were unsure knowing how good of a liar their little brother was! After drinking for awhile, they went back to the hotel to hang out some more, Roman had gotten held up by Hunter, so Dean and Seth went to the room alone. When Roman returned to the room, he found his brothers together half naked on the couch and believing they had slept together he walked out brokenhearted, Dean had gone after him, but lost him. The next night at the arena Roman confronted Seth, telling him to leave Dean alone, but Seth refused and declared war on Roman, the victor winning Dean's love! Dean found them and asked to talk to Roman alone and he agreed. Once alone Dean told Roman it was him he loved and wanted, Roman forgave him and they became a couple.
Even fighting a secret war with Seth for Dean, everything was finally perfect between Dean and Roman! Until months ago after a match The Authority; minus Seth, attacked Roman and seriously injured his shoulder. He had to have surgery on it and was out of action for a few months, leaving Dean alone with their sellout, traitor, little brother! Seth constantly texted and called Roman to torment him and used Roman being gone to get close to Dean in and out of the ring, he trusted Dean though, knowing he'd never hurt him. Being away from each other was hard on both men, but all the phone calls, texts and video calls on their computers helped make it bearable. Dean had flown into town while Roman was still healing and spent two weeks with him, the time alone with Dean had been perfect! They were so happy and in love, the best part though was that having Dean with him, Roman didn't have to worry about Seth. On their last night together, Dean had set up a romantic dinner for Roman. Afterwards, Dean surprised Roman by proposing to him. He, of course, said yes and he secretly sent Seth a text to tell him. Seth didn't believe him, so he lied to Dean and they made a video together talking about their engagement; Dean thought it was for Roman's parents. Roman sent the video to Seth, before he turned off his phone and spent the night celebrating with Dean. The next morning Roman took Dean to the airport and after he left, Roman spent every day busting his ass in rehab, so he could return to work; but more importantly, he could return to Dean!

The Shield One Shots Book 2!
FanfictionAnother book full of one shots! If you have a request for a one shot or you'd like to see another part of a certain one shot I already wrote, feel free to message me and let me know! Enjoy!