Loud music played in the club, as people danced, drank and talked the night away. I sat at my table drinking my third...or was it my fourth beer, honestly I had lost count; my goal was to make it through this night any way I could...even if it meant I had to be drunk to do it! I sighed, as I leaned back in my chair looking around for the three people I came here with Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns. I've known the three of them for five years, I had met Dean first at a bar and not long after we met he introduced me to Seth and Roman. I became so close to all three, they're like brothers to me. I love being able to spend as much time as I possibly can with them; which really isn't a lot considering they're on the road practically all the damn time with the WWE. Tonight was supposed to have been fun; a celebration after I had just gotten hired by the WWE as their newest backstage reporter; thanks to a little help from my boys. Things quickly went to shit tonight though!
Things went bad as soon as I knew Dean was coming with us! Dean and I used to be close, but then suddenly, out of the blue, a year ago, he started fighting with me and soon our friendship was gone! We're constantly fighting, always putting Seth and Roman in the middle; both of them have told us how much they hate it! I wasn't sure how I was going to handle not only being on the road with him, but also working with the asshole! My thoughts were interrupted by the guys returning to our table, hot, sweaty and tired from dancing.
"Hey (Y/N/N), you might want to slow down on the beers baby girl!" Roman warned me like an overprotective brother, as he sat beside me, Seth and Dean sat across from us.
"Relax Rome, it's only my third...or fourth, I'm not even buzzed yet!" I replied smiling.
"Yeah Ro, let her drink, maybe then she'll actually be fun to hang out with!" Dean said smirking, as he took a sip of his beer.
"That right asshole?" I said angrily, as I looked at him. "No one asked you to come jerkoff!"
"Uh, Seth and Ro did Princess!" Dean replied smugly.
"Go to Hell, you..."
"Enough dammit!" Seth said upset, cutting me off. "Tonight was supposed to be fun, but you two ruined it again with your damn fighting!"
"You two are acting like children dammit, you know that right?" Roman added, just as upset.
"Well, he has the brain of a child!" I muttered smiling.
"That right (Y/N)? You wanna know what..."
"That's it I'm done dammit!" Seth said angrily, cutting Dean off, as he got up and without saying another word he walked away.
"What the hell happened between you two?" Roman asked sadly, before he got up and went after Seth.
"What the hell crawled up their asses?" Dean asked looking at me, I just shrugged my shoulders wondering the same thing. "I need another beer!"
"Me too! If I'm stuck with you for the rest of the night, I'm getting wasted!" I said, as I signaled for a waitress.
"So, you think you can drink more than me (Y/L/N)?" Dean questioned smirking.
"Damn right I do! Challenge accepted asshole!" I answered smirking back.
**The Next Day**:
The morning sunlight shone through the bedroom window, onto the bed and directly into my face. Cursing at the annoying brightness, I rolled over onto my left side and pulled the blankets over my head. My head pounded and my stomach was doing flip flops, damn Ambrose and damn him challenging me to a drinking contest! I felt like a train had hit me, I'm going to kill Dean when I see him! Suddenly I felt movement beside me, confused I opened my eyes and saw the naked body of the person I was with; they were laying on the stomach, but judging by their body they were definitely male. I was freaking out in my head, I looked down and saw I was naked too! While I was under the blanket I felt the guy move and then a voice I'd know any where spoke from beside me.

The Shield One Shots Book 2!
FanfictionAnother book full of one shots! If you have a request for a one shot or you'd like to see another part of a certain one shot I already wrote, feel free to message me and let me know! Enjoy!