A Christmas Proposal/Ambrollins

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Christmas music played in the background, as Seth Rollins; one third of The Shield, sat on his bed in the new home he shared with his boyfriend, finishing wrapping the last of his Christmas presents. He began singing along happily to the music, this was his favorite time of year and he was looking forward to spending it with his family. This was the only time of year he was able to visit his family longer then a day or two. Christmas this year was extra special though, because it was the first one as a couple with the man he loved, his best friend...brother, Shield stablemate and boyfriend of one year Dean Ambrose! Seth wished that their best friend...brother and Shield stablemate Roman Reigns could join them, but he was spending Christmas with his family.

His thoughts were interrupted by Dean and Roman returning to the house, they called out to him and he called back letting them know where he was. He got up, grabbed the gifts from him and Dean for Roman and went downstairs. He found them in the kitchen laughing over coffee, he greeted them smiling.

"Hey, guys!"

"Hey, Seth!" They greeted him at the same time smiling.

"How was your workout?" Seth asked, as he went to Dean and kissed him.

"Good! Had the place to ourselves since it's two days before Christmas." Roman answered.

"Speaking of Christmas, I wanted to give you these before you left!" Seth said smiling, as he gave Roman his gifts. "They're from Dean and I, don't open them until Christmas though!"

"Thanks guys, I've got yours in my trunk. I'll go get them, then I gotta go my flight leaves in a couple hours." Roman said smiling, before he left.


Dean lay on the couch, flipping through the channels on the TV, trying to find something other than stupid Christmas shows to watch. It wasn't that he hated Christmas, he just didn't celebrate it, he wasn't a Christmas person! He knew both his brothers loved Christmas and since he loved them, he played along and pretended for their sake. He was looking forward to spending the next two weeks at home relaxing with Seth; finally getting to enjoy their new house, they haven't gotten to spend more than a day in since they moved in three weeks ago.

"Hey, babe!" Seth's voice spoke, as he came into the room.

"Hey, baby boy!" Dean said smiling, as Seth came to the couch and laid down with him, before he kissed him. "Where you been hiding all afternoon?"

"Packing." Seth answered.

"For what?" Dean asked confused.

"For the trip to spend Christmas with my family!"

"What trip?"

"Don't you remember?" Seth questioned, as he sat up, Dean shook his head no, as he sat up too. "Dean, I told you about it a week ago, the plane leaves in two hours!"

"I forgot, guess I'm going to be alone for the next two weeks."

"No, you're coming with me! Let me guess...you forgot that too?"

"Yep and it's not happening! Sorry Seth." Dean stated, as he got up and went to the kitchen for a beer.

"What? Why not?" Seth demanded, as he followed him.

"It's just not my kind of thing okay?" Dean answered, as he went to the fridge, opened it and grabbed a beer.

"No, it's not okay!" Seth said upset, as Dean turned to face him sighing, opened his beer and took a drink. "Dammit Dean, it's Christmas and our first one as a couple! How can you act like it's not exciting or special? It's a magical time of year!"

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