Roman Reigns sat in the passenger's seat of the car he was riding in, it was being driven by his best Seth Rollins. They were on their way to a local garage to meet up with Dean Ambrose, a man Roman had met when he accidentally crashed his car into Dean's parked motorcycle. Even though it had been a total accident, it was the best thing that's happened to him in a very long time. As they drove, Roman thought about his life and about Dean; the man he was insanely attracted to.
Roman was the only child born into the uber powerful and uber rich Reigns family, all his life he's had the best of everything, he never had to worry about anything; he lived a very sheltered and privileged life. The downside to his life was that he never had any real friendships growing up and even now. Everyone either wanted to be his friend because of his money or they were stuck up kids from other rich families, who only cared about what mommy and daddies money can buy them. His only true friend was Seth, they've known each other all their lives and he considered Seth a brother more than a best friend. They grew up together and when they got older and Roman took over the family business he gave Seth a job as his personal assistant; an easy job, that pays great. The two men knew everything about each other and have gone through so much together, they even live together in Roman's huge mansion and Roman was beyond grateful for him.
There was one problem he was bored; bored with his job, bored with his friends, hell he was just bored with his entire life period! He finally admitted it to Seth, telling him he needed a change, he was tired of working all the damn time, tired of fake-ass friends; not including Seth, but mostly he was tired of being alone and wanted to find someone who wanted to be with him for him, not because of his money or last name. Seth tried to make him see it would happen, he just had to be patient, but Roman wasn't so sure.
One day; a week later, Roman was driving himself to the store to get his own groceries, instead of having Seth drive him or being driven in his limo. Since he began feeling bored with his life of privilege he's been trying to do more things for himself to see if that makes a difference. This day it was driving himself to the store and buying his own groceries; of course, Seth, who normally did the shopping, had given him a list to use and directions to the store. As he drove though, he ended up getting lost, which meant he had to call Seth and tell him what happened. He reached for his phone on the passenger's seat, but it fell to the floor just as he was turning a corner. He took his eyes off the road and picked it up, he then sat up, just as he smashed into the back of a motorcycle that was parked on the side of the road; thankfully the driver wasn't on it. The bike was damaged and so was his car, thankfully though he was fine, he quickly got out of his car and walked towards the bike, the owner came running out of the coffee shop, carrying his helmet; he was pissed.
The man checked his bike, Roman was frozen, he felt his heart beat faster, as he starred at the gorgeous, blond man with the blue eyes, leather jacket and incredible body. He was very attracted to him and he had forgotten how to speak, until the man stood up again and came over to him. The guy asked if he was okay and he nodded, before he apologized, the guy asked if Roman was drunk and he told him no and explained what had happened. Hearing it though the guy became even angrier, Roman calmed him down, before he introduced himself, the guy then told him his name was Dean Ambrose. Roman offered to pay for the bike to be fixed, he could take it to whoever he wanted, get the work done on it, then call him and he'd pay for it. Dean agreed, Roman then told him he'll pay for a tow truck to come take the bike to the mechanic's, before he offered to drive Dean home. Dean told him he didn't have to, before he pointed out that Roman's car wasn't going anywhere, except to the mechanic's too. So, Roman then insisted they share a taxi; his treat, Dean agreed and got them coffee, while Roman called the tow truck.

The Shield One Shots Book 2!
FanfictionAnother book full of one shots! If you have a request for a one shot or you'd like to see another part of a certain one shot I already wrote, feel free to message me and let me know! Enjoy!