Seth Rollins sighed sadly, as he stood starring out the window of the hotel room he shared with his two best friends...brothers and former Shield stablemates Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose; Seth's boyfriend. He was alone right now, both his brothers were at the arena being checked out by the Trainer to see if they were cleared to wrestle tonight. Truthfully, he hoped neither would be cleared, he didn't even want to wrestle tonight! He sighed again, as he began thinking about everything that's happened to the trio and how they fought so damn hard to get where they are, despite the many obstacles The Authority put in their way!
His thoughts were interrupted by the door opening, he turned to see Dean and Roman come in, seeing them he smiled.
"Hey, guys." Seth greeted them.
"Hey, Two-Tones." Dean said sighing, as he went to Seth and kissed him.
"I know that look." Seth said, as Dean and Roman put their bags down, before they sat on the couch, Seth went to them and sat on Dean's lap and took his hand. "You guys aren't cleared are you?"
"Nope!" Dean replied, sighing frustrated. "Don't worry, we're still coming to the arena with you Seth, we aren't leaving you alone with those Authority assholes!"
"Nope!" Seth said, Dean and Roman looked at each other confused, before looking back at Seth. "You two aren't cleared to wrestle, which means they'll be waiting to strike! So, you both are staying here where it's safe, I'll be fine I promise! I won't let them hurt you anymore!" He added firmly, before he kissed Dean to stop him from arguing and held a hand up to keep Roman from arguing too.
Every time Dean or Roman tried to argue, Seth stopped them before they could even say a word. A few seconds later someone knocked on their door, Seth got up and answered it to find a smiling Hunter standing there, angrily Seth went to shut the door, but Hunter stopped him.
"Really Seth? I'd expect that from Ambrose, not you!"
"What the hell are you doing here Helmsley?" Dean demanded angrily, as he and Roman came to the door.
"Hey, Dean! How are you and the big dog feeling?" Hunter asked smiling.
"Like you give a damn!" Dean replied angrily.
"Cut the crap Hunter! Why are you here?" Roman demanded.
"You're right I don't!" Hunter agreed, as the trio looked at each other annoyed, before looking back at him angrily. "I came here to deliver some news!"
"What news?" Seth asked.
"Well, since two thirds of The Shield aren't cleared to wrestle, Steph and I have decided to give Seth the night off too." Hunter replied.
"Really? Why? What's the catch huh?" Roman asked, crossing his arms.
"There isn't one!"
"Right, like you'd do anything for us without getting something out of it! I'm part of The Authority remember Hunter?" Seth said, knowing like his brothers did that there was something Hunter wasn't telling them.
"So untrusting Sethie! You should really work on that!" Hunter said smiling.
"Okay, I'm done!" Dean said. "You said your big news, so get lost!" He ordered, as he started shutting the door.
"Wait, before I go there is one more little thing!" Hunter said stopping him.
"I knew it!" Seth said, as Dean opened the door again. "What?"

The Shield One Shots Book 2!
FanfictionAnother book full of one shots! If you have a request for a one shot or you'd like to see another part of a certain one shot I already wrote, feel free to message me and let me know! Enjoy!