Roman Reigns sat at his desk at work and sighed, as he finished his paperwork. He was bored; bored with his job, bored with his friends, hell he was just bored with his entire life period! Roman was the only child born into the uber powerful and uber rich Reigns family, all his life he's had the best of everything, he never had to worry about anything; he lived a very sheltered and privileged life. The downside to his life was that he never had any real friendships growing up and even now. Everyone either wanted to be his friend because of his money or they were stuck up kids from other rich families, who only cared about what mommy and daddies money can buy them. His only true friend was a man he's known all his life and who he considered a brother more than a best friend, his name is Seth Rollins. They grew up together and when they got older Roman gave Seth a job as his personal assistant; an easy job, that pays great. The two men knew everything about each other and have gone through so much together, they even live together in Roman's huge mansion and Roman was beyond grateful for him.
"Hey, Ro." Seth's cheery voice spoke, as he came into the room.
"Hey, Seth."
"You okay?" Seth asked, noticing he seemed down.
"Fine." Roman answered.
"I call bullshit! Tell it to someone who doesn't know you like I do." Seth said, as he crossed his arms.
"Okay, fine! I'm just bored Seth, I...I need a change." Roman answered, as he stood.
"From what?"
"Everything! I'm tired of working all the damn time, I'm tired of fake-ass friends; you're not included obviously."
"Obviously!" Seth agreed.
"I'm tired of being alone Seth, I want to find someone who wants to be with me for me, not because of my last name or my damn money."
"You will Ro, I promise. You're not alone through this though, you have me." Seth said smiling.
"Yeah, I know." Roman replied sighing.
"Wow Reigns, don't sound so excited about it." Seth said sarcastically, pretending his feelings were hurt.
"Wait, that's not what I meant and you know it! I..."
"Relax dude, I was only kidding." Seth said smiling, cutting him off.
"You're an asshole Rollins!" Roman said, as they both laughed.
"I gotta go back to work, but we'll talk more about this later at home tonight, okay?"
"Okay." Roman replied smiling, before they hugged and Seth left.
**A Week Later**:
Dean Ambrose sighed, as he walked out of the diner where he worked...well, where he used to work as of 10 minutes ago. He had just been fired from another job for causing trouble...again, but it wasn't his fault this time though. He was the cook at the diner and a damn good one, no one complained about his food in the three months he worked there, until today. This stuck up looking asshole came in for lunch and ordered a burger, fries with gravy and coffee. So, Dean made them, but the picky bastard kept complaining about the way his food was cooked and after the fifth time it was brought back, Dean had had enough and ended up dumping gravy on the jerk's head causing him to be fired; apparently that kind of thing is bad for business! Dean didn't care, he was used it, he's been fired from six jobs now for stupid reasons.

The Shield One Shots Book 2!
FanfictionAnother book full of one shots! If you have a request for a one shot or you'd like to see another part of a certain one shot I already wrote, feel free to message me and let me know! Enjoy!