The large farmhouse on the dead-end street with miles of empty fields and forest around the property and no other neighbors around for miles, sat empty, abandoned, and neglected. An aging 'For Sale' sign sat crooked on its overgrown front yard. The house had once been beautiful inside and outside, the dream home of many happy families, but after years of neglect and damage from the elements, the place had begun to fall apart. Over the years, families had moved in and started to renovate their dream home, but none of them had ever stayed long enough to complete any of their many projects. Of course, the house wasn't completely empty, it came with two permanent residents and the reasons the families kept leaving.
They weren't monsters, they were just two ordinary men, both men were tall, muscular, intimidating, and very good-looking, they had been best friends since they were children and were more like brothers. The older of the two by only a year, Roman Reigns, was Samoan, with long black hair to just past his shoulders, grey eyes, a goatee, and a traditional Samoan tribal tattoo on his chest, back, and arm. The younger man was Dean Ambrose, he had short, slightly curly, light brown hair, blue eyes, and a beard. Despite the closeness the two men shared, they were the complete opposite of each other. Roman was quiet, laid back, protective, and let Dean do most of the talking for the both of them. He tried to avoid conflict, but when he needed to he could become an angry man who most people feared. Dean though, was hyper, always moving some part of him all the time, protective, and he wasn't afraid to tell people off, he basically just didn't give a shit what other people said or thought about him. He was easily angered and loved to talk with his fists, Roman was the only one who could calm him down. Roman was also the only one Dean loved and trusted, and Roman was the same way with Dean.
Dean and Roman were just regular guys, except for one, small thing...they had been dead for the past five years now. They were ghosts and had lived and died in the house, they had been murdered by a man they had both known and at one time called friend. Since their murders, they've never seen another ghost and any time a new family moved in they both did whatever it took to get them out of their home. At first, it had only been Dean angry about the families and Roman had tried to calm him down, actually looking forward to having someone else around. By the third, annoying family though, Roman too had had enough and helped him get rid of them. They had gotten good over the years at their ghostly powers and would take turns doing things to the families and even made bets on how long it took to get rid of them. Their second favorite part of all of it was watching the Real Estate agent try to sell the house. It was hilarious watching him try to act bravely in a house he was terrified of, the lies he told were the best part, he had gotten pretty creative over the years. It's been a year now since anyone's even been to see the house and they figured that they were finally able to live out their afterlife in peace.
Then one afternoon, Dean was practicing his levitation in the living room, while Roman lay on his back on the couch bored out of his mind, throwing a ball he had found in a bedroom into the air. Suddenly, they heard a car pull into the driveway, the noise surprised Dean who lost his concentration and fell onto the floor on his stomach with a groan, Roman caught the ball and sat up laughing.
"The landing could use some work, but I still give it a...7 out of 10 performance." Roman teased laughing, as Dean got to his feet.
"Big man has jokes." Dean replied bitterly. "Who the hell could that be?"
Roman put the ball on the couch and stood up still smiling, before he went to the window and looked out.
"Looks like Fields brought someone new for us to play with." Roman said, as the voice of the Real Estate agent was heard.
Smiling evilly, the two men rushed to the front hallway, as Fields came into the house followed by a good-looking, shorter man, with two-toned long hair to his shoulders; half his hair was blond, the other half was black. He was muscular and had a thicker beard than Dean's and brown eyes. The man was dressed in tight jeans, and a black t-shirt, his hair was in a low bun, and he wore a huge smile on his face, as he looked around the room.

The Shield One Shots Book 2!
FanfictionAnother book full of one shots! If you have a request for a one shot or you'd like to see another part of a certain one shot I already wrote, feel free to message me and let me know! Enjoy!