Roman Reigns finished making sure the last of the preparations for the funeral of his boss and father of his boyfriend Dean Ambrose, Thomas Ford. It had been a lot of work for him and Dean, but thankfully they had help from Roman's best, roommate and co-worker Seth Rollins. The funeral was in three days and even though Roman and Seth would be there, they wouldn't be able to support Dean in the way they both wanted; things were...complicated. He turned his computer off and put it on the coffee table, before he stood up from the couch and went to the window. He looked out at the dark night and sighed, wishing his and Dean's relationship was less complicated; especially now when Dean needed him the most. As he stood looking out the window, he began to think about everything that's happened that led them to this moment.
Roman and Seth work together at an Ad Agency, both had been there for years working their asses off. Finally, after years of hard work, Roman was in the running against two other co-workers for a promotion to Vice President of the company. So, Roman spent days preparing for his last presentation to their boss before the candidate was chosen. The day of the presentation, minutes before he was to present, their boss Thomas Ford; an uber-rich and powerful man, called the entire office together and told them his son would finally be joining the company. Which meant no promotion for Roman, as the boss's son would be filling the spot. That day after work, Seth took him out for drinks at a bar Roman had never been to before. Seth spent some time with him, before he left him to go have some fun, leaving Roman at the bar counter alone, drowning his miseries in cheap beer. As he sat there, he was soon joined by a man who spoke to the bartender in a sexy, gravelly voice, making Roman weak hearing it! Needing to know who the voice belonged to he looked up into the blue eyes of the most gorgeous man he had ever seen, who introduced himself as Dean Ambrose! They talked, drank and laughed for a while; Roman told him what happened at work and they both talked crap about his boss and his boss's son.
A couple of hours later, Dean suggested they go back to his place and Roman agreed without hesitation, after telling Seth, they left in a taxi. Roman was amazed at the roomy house, that definitely showed Dean's personality off in every room. Dean took him on a tour of the house, before they sat in the living room talking. As they talked, Roman didn't know what came over him, when he cut Dean off with a kiss! The kiss led to a heated make out session, that eventually led to them making love all night in Dean's bed. Roman woke up the next morning first and while Dean was still sleeping he quickly got dressed, before he snuck out. He went home and got ready for work, Seth already gone since it was so late. Roman had never done something like that before and felt horrible for sneaking out. It wasn't like he was ever going to see Dean again to apologize and that thought made him a little sad.
After arriving at work that morning, Seth found him in his office and Roman told him what happened with him and Dean, before they had to go meet the boss's son. The whole office was at the meeting and after Ford introduced his son as Dean Ambrose, Seth mentioned that that was the same name as Roman's new friend. Of course, Roman was in shock and told him that it couldn't be, it had to be just a coincidence! Until Dean walked in, his eyes met Roman's for a few seconds, before Dean spoke to the office; bringing up how he had agreed to work for his father, not be Vice President and made sure everyone knew that he was nothing like his father.
The rest of the meeting went by in a blur, both Dean and Ford; as well as other co-workers, talked, but Roman didn't hear any of it though! Instead, he tried to hide from Dean and all he could think about was what they had done the night before; the memories driving him crazy, as he was forced to be near Dean again! He didn't even realize the meeting was over; lost in his memories, until Seth got his attention. While everyone else was crowding around Dean; shaking his hand and talking to him, Roman grabbed Seth's arm and they snuck out and went back to Roman's office. Once behind closed doors, Seth sat down watching in silence, as Roman began pacing, freaking out about what happened. Roman had slept with bosses son, but worst of all he had said things...bad things about Dean and his father! What the hell was he going to do? He was officially screwed!

The Shield One Shots Book 2!
FanfictionAnother book full of one shots! If you have a request for a one shot or you'd like to see another part of a certain one shot I already wrote, feel free to message me and let me know! Enjoy!