Officer Roman Reigns sighed tiredly, as he walked the busy halls of the police station; which had become his home away from home lately. He had just gotten back from a food run for himself, his two best friends...brothers and partners Officer Seth Rollins and Officer Dean Ambrose; Roman's boyfriend, as well as the trio's co-worker, friend and head of the bomb squad Officer Reed Grant. The four of them haven't left the station much in the last few days, they were busy working on an important and personal case involving a serial bomber who had been setting off bombs around town; one of which had seriously injured Dean while on the job, after he had been trapped in a school that had exploded. He had been rescued by Grant; who had also been injured during the rescue, thankfully though both were alive and on the mend, getting stronger every day. As Roman walked the halls, he sighed again and thought back to how all of this started.
The trio have been best friends for years, doing everything; including joining the force together. They had come up through the force together and not long after joining they teamed up and became The Shield; they were unstoppable, known as the best and normally worked with only each other, but have lead multiple teams when needed too. Dean and Roman began dating; with Seth's full love and support, a month before they joined the police academy. Their love has been going strong for eight years now and they couldn't be happier.
The trio have been working on a case involving a serial bomber for weeks now and despite their non-stop, round the clockwork, they still had no leads on the bomber's identity or his motive for the bombings; he had set off five bombs now and taunted the trio through direct letters and calls to the station, as well as through letters to the press. Each bomb had been bigger than the last and so far thankfully no one has been seriously injured or killed by them, but all three knew it was only a matter of time before that changed.
Days ago, the trio were at the station working on the case, all three were worried because it had been two weeks since the last bomb; the longest the man's ever gone between bombings. As they worked Seth's cell phone began to ring, he answered it and put it on speaker when he realized it was the bomber calling. They talked for a few seconds and the guy told them he was back with his biggest bomb yet and gave them two locations it could be at; a senior citizens home or an elementary school, he then told them it was set to go off at exactly 1 PM, before he hung up.
Knowing they didn't have time to search both buildings, Dean suggested they split up; Dean would lead a team and search the school, while Roman and Seth led a team and searched the senior's home. At first, Roman and Seth tried to refuse, but Dean managed to convince them and so they called and evacuated both places and surrounding buildings. As they searched the trio were on their radios the entire time and after searching Roman and Seth cleared the senior's home, the bomb wasn't there. They left the home and were on their way to their car, when suddenly Dean sounding strange spoke over the radio saying his goodbyes, before Roman could ask what was wrong, they heard the bomb explode where Dean was. Getting nothing, but static from Dean's radio, Roman, Seth and their team rushed to the school arriving at the same time as more police, as well as fire crews, EMTs and the press. Looking at the damage to the school, their hearts broke knowing Dean couldn't have survived and they hugged. As they did Dean's weak voice suddenly came through the static on the radio telling them he was alive, Roman told him to hang on they were going to get him out, while Seth raced to tell their Captain about Dean. All three knew they were racing the clock to get him out, but Roman and Seth wouldn't give up until he was back with them; it didn't matter what they had to do to get him free!
They had to wait for the bomb squad to arrive, so while they did Seth spoke to Dean and learned he was in bad shape and tried to keep Dean from going to sleep. Roman interrupted them and they go inside the command center and met Grant; an arrogant asshole. After talking to him for a few seconds, they ask Grant when they're going into the building and he tells them no one's going in yet, until they check how stable the building is. Upset they ask how they're going to do that and he tells them they'll do it with a special robot. Of course, both men are angry about it and Seth tells him they should be going after Dean, not play with toys! Grant then angrily tells them the robot will send them live feed of the damage to the structure and find Dean's exact location. He then tells them this is his job and he's the best at it, before he tells them to stick to arresting the bad guys and let him and his team do their job! Trying to keep the peace, Roman took Seth outside to cool off.

The Shield One Shots Book 2!
FanfictionAnother book full of one shots! If you have a request for a one shot or you'd like to see another part of a certain one shot I already wrote, feel free to message me and let me know! Enjoy!