Chapter 11

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My bunk is pretty comfortable if I don't think too hard on it. But for some reason, whether it be that Michael is a couple bunks away or Luke still being mad at me probably, I can't sleep. I stare up at the grey ceiling-like bottom of the empty bunk above me, both hands laid across my stomach. I sigh and turn on my left side, drawing back the curtains of the small window next to the bunk.

Just an expanse of cities.

I roll to the other side and look out at the bunk across from me, currently occupied, by which of the boys I can't be sure because the curtain is closed.

Okay, so if I can't sleep, what's the point of staying in my bunk?

I slip quietly out of my bunk so not to disturb any of the guys and make my way cautiously to the little kitchen area. Coffee maker? Check. Sugar? Check. Mug? Check.

In a couple minutes, the smell of Java beans fills the bus and a steaming cup of coffee is in my cold hands. I take a sip and it warms my insides and gives me a little more jump. I make my way silently past the bunks to the den and put down my coffee for a moment to find the remote.

I have the television on mute as I flick around the channels.

"What are you doing up?"

I jump a little, nearly knocking my mug off the couch. But as I stare in slight terror at Michael, his eyes aren't narrowed in a scowl. He has a slightly dreamlike look in his eyes and he has his head tilted as if he actually cares what I'm doing up at this hour, a mug similar to mine, no doubt filled with exactly the same drink.

Cautiously, I sit up straight. "I just couldn't sleep. What are YOU doing up?"

"I've never been able to sleep on the bus usually," Michael says, his voice having a tone to it that is completely alien to me, coming from him anyways.

He nods towards the couch. "Mind if I sit by you?"

I move over a little, giving him space to sit next to me. My heart is racing in fear and my mind is telling me to bolt, but to where? The bus isn't that relatively big. The only thing I could do if he tried to fuck me would be to scream and hope Luke would wake up and rescue me, but I know that would be a bad idea. Because Michael would get me back later for selling him out.

"So you never get sleep on here?" I ask him.

He shrugs. "If we have to go right to the bus after a long day, I'll just pass out, but on a slow day like today, there's no way."

I nod. "That makes sense I guess."

"Why aren't you sleeping all cozy with Lukey," Michael says with a bitter expression, his eyes on the soundless tv.

I shrug. "Reasons."

"Fair enough."

This. Is. So. AWKWARD.

Have you ever had a guy attempt to fuck you one day and the next he's having coffee with you and talking about life? Probably not. But let me tell you it's very weird. And I'm suspicious of the little fuck.

"What's your problem?"

Michael glances at me once before continuing his stare at the tv. "What problem?"

I pinch my lips together and quickly turn the tv off completely. "Michael, I'm talking about how you keep trying to bang me."

Michael sets down his coffee and inspects his stubby fingernails. "Oh right that."

"Yeah that."

He shrugs. "Well when I heard you were up, the thought hit me in the face that I should do it now, while no one is expecting it. I'm not done trying to fuck you because believe me, I'm not going to give up. But. When I saw you in here all sleep deprived, it reminded me...of ME. So it's a truce."

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