Chapter 13

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"So you guys are actually...GOOD," I admit as Luke turns off his phone after we had gone through every single song they've ever sang. It was a lot, but really, they are one of the best bands I've ever listened to.

"Which one's your favorite?" Luke asks, his arm around my shoulder.

I curl up next to him and think about it. "Disconnected. Or 18."

"Really? You like Disconnected?" Luke asks.

I nod. "Why?"

He shrugs. "It's not one of our most popular ones. We don't use that one as much."

I frown. "Why? It's an amazing song. The perfect balance of vocals and instrumental, the adorable and, at the same time, heart filled lyrics, the unforgettable beat, and the beautiful voices," I add the last one with a poke to Luke's shoulder.

"God Sam. We aren't that good," Luke argues with a shrug.

"Will I be able to see one of your concerts?" I ask with a smirk on my face.

"You've already seen us in concert," Luke teases. "You just didn't know you were seeing us in concert."

I roll my eyes. "Which MEANS that I have to watch again! So that I can truly appreciate you guys live."

Luke rubs my shoulder. "If you wanted a live performance, I could sing for you right now. But I'm not going to."

I raise my eyebrow. "You mentioned it. You have to now."

"Have to what?"

"Sing. Right now. Any of your songs," I insist. "Please?"

Luke shakes his head. "No. No, it's not happening."

I stand and grab something from the table, holding it out to Luke. He gives me a look. "Really?"

I laugh. "Come on Luke. Just go along with it."

Luke eyes the thing in my hand, the Rock Band microphone, and sighs, snatching it from me. "What do you want me to sing for you?"

"You pick," I say, bouncing down on the couch with enthusiasm. I bite my lip, waiting as Luke decides.

"Throwing rocks at your window. At midnight. You met me in your backyard. That night."

I remember this one. It was one of the last ones Luke had showed me. Wrapped Around Your Finger. I can imagine the background instrumental as Luke's voice flows sweetly from his mouth.

"Making our plans in the Santa Cruz sand that night."

Luke and I both turn our stare to the other end of the bus. A red haired rat walks in singing the song where Luke left off.

"I thought I had you in the palm of my hand that night," Michael continues.

"That's my part you little shit," Luke says with a smirk.

"Screaming at the top of my lungs til my chest felt tight," Michael continues with a shrug.

"I told myself that I'm never gonna be alright," Luke cuts in.

"You had me wrapped around your finger," Michael sings, and for an instance, his green eyes flash at me and I feel frozen, paralyzed. The trance his voice puts me in confuses me every time, but at the moment of Luke and Michael's random singing, I hear nothing but their voices, Michael's overpowering my mind.

"Wrapped around your finger."

As soon as they stop singing I purse my lips, staring at my hands in my lap. I feel awful. Why, I'm not entirely sure.

"Why were we singing again?" Michael asks.

Luke chuckles. "Sami wanted to hear me sing for some reason. I don't know why your singing."

"You were singing my solo really bad, so I decided to sing yours really good to make me look better than you," Michael says with a laugh, a laugh that I haven't heard from him before.

A laugh of actual carefree happiness.

"Did you like it Sam?" Luke asks me and I roll my eyes.

"How could anyone not like that? You have voices literally from heaven," I joke with them.

"Aw. I almost thanked you for the compliment, bitch," Michael says with mock adoration.

I shake my head, not even fazed by him while I know I'm safe with Luke. "Maybe it wasn't a compliment. Lucifer has a voice from heaven too. You sound a lot like him, Michael."

"Touché, bitch."

I put a smug look on my face and shrug. Luke pouts. "Me too?"

I burst out laughing. "No Luke. You can be angel Gabriel."

"Yes!" Luke exclaims with a laugh.

"Oh he's no angel, Sam. If I'm Lucifer, I'm not even sure there is a deep enough hole in hell that can bear a name for Luke," Michael says with a smirk.

I can hear the threat in his voice and its hard to understand why he's trying to put Luke, this adorable dork, below him on the evil scale. There's no way. As I glare at Michael, Luke heard it as a joke and starts laughing. "Michael, don't worry we're kidding. You don't have to be Lucifer."

Michael pretends to go along with it being a joke and laughs, but his laugh is back to the cold, humorless laugh that sends shivers down my spine. "Thank goodness."

I hear Luke's stomach growl and I laugh. "Still hungry?"

He shrugs. "I'm always hungry."

"Well I'm hungry too. Can we go over and grab something?"

Luke nods and slips his hand into mine. Michael sits down on the couch, singing a song under his breath. Just as we are turning the corner I remember the song he is humming from one of the songs Luke showed me today.

Heartbreak girl.

The lyrics are soft but still audible as I walk away with Luke.

"The one who never sees the truth. That I can take away your hurt, heartbreak girl."

As we get to the other end of the bus, I can no longer hear his poison-sweet voice anymore.

Those lyrics Michael was singing...

I scold myself as I sit down next to Luke. The thought is so ridiculous.

Of course he wasn't singing about me.

Hai guys.
So I hate myself for writing this lol.
Well she knows they can sing, which is cool I guess.
Anyways keep reading and voting and commenting and I hope you still like me.

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