Chapter 16

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"You weren't even drunk were you?"

"What are you talking about? None of that rings a bell. I must've been completely wasted!"

"Don't lie to me! You get pretty bad when you get drunk, I admit it. But that was almost too bad. An act."

I wake to two raised voices.

As soon as I stir the voices hush.

"Sami? You up?"

I pretend like I didn't hear a word they said. My eyes open and as they focus, Ashton comes blearily into view. Michael (with bad bed hair) also appears next to Ashton. I sit up rubbing my eyes. "Yeah. What time is it?"

Ashton checks his phone. "8 in the morning."

"About time you woke up, bitch. Luke's knocked down our door just to check on you at least ten times and it's irritating," Michael mutters bitterly, but his usual venom in his voice strained thin, as if he isn't enjoying insulting me as much as usual.

I nod, pulling my probably messy hair up into a bun (which is not any less messy) and stand. "I'll be back over later to change, okay?"

"Take your time princess," Michael mutters.

I shoot him a confused look. I admit, I hate his attitude, but this is unlike him. It must be the hangover...

I walk out the door, my hand on the door handle on the outside as I'm about to close it. I get to the door almost clicking shut when I hear another muffled shout from behind the door. I frown, opening it a crack. I can barely see flashes of red and brown hair from the crack in the door, but I can hear them, Ashton using a hushed voice.

"Listen Michael. It might be best if I keep this to myself. I don't want Luke mad as much as the next guy. But next time, I WILL do something. Even if it isn't telling Luke. You leave her alone."

I press closer to the door and my heart thumps against my chest harder than a drum when Michael stalks into my view.

"I still don't know what you're talking about. Don't go feeding her or Luke any lies. I have done nothing wrong," Michael spits at Ashton.

Ashton's voice is still quiet and calmed, no matter how much warning fills it. "Michael. I'm not stupid. I know you better than you think. I have a guess at what's going on."

"Well screw what you think. Don't be an asshole. Any opinions you have can stay to yourself," Michael says.

"Once I get proof, they won't stay to myself very long."

Suddenly Ashton walks into view, coming in the direction of the door. I panic and shut the door, realizing now I'm stuck out, with nowhere left to go but to Luke's room.

Dammit. What was all that about? I was going to find out. Now I may never know. But it was about me. And Luke.

I yawn and walk over to Calum and Luke's room, my mind still replaying what I just heard.

I rap once on the door and it swings in.


I can feel my feet leave the ground as rib crushing arms embrace me. I wrap my arms around Luke's torso as he squeezes me to death.

"I saw you like only a few hours ago," I mumble breathlessly into his ear before kissing under it.

"That's too long," he whispers back.

"Aw, Luke. Don't be a cheeseball," I giggle.

"I am not cheesy," he insists. "Ashton's known for his cheesiness. Not me. I'm a fuckboy, remember?"

I laugh. "Fuckboy, my ass. You might as well be a kitten."

"Well I guess you bring out the best in me," Luke announces loudly as he sets me on my feet, flashing me a stupid grin.

I lean close to him and kiss his chest through his t-shirt. "I guess I can live with you being a cheeseball. If I have to."

He whisks me gracefully into his hotel room, shutting the door behind us. "You like it, I know you do. Don't pretend."

I ball his t-shirt into one of my hands, pulling his eyes down to my level. "Even if I did, I'd never admit it, now would I?" I mumble.

"So that's a yes. That's what we can go with," he whispers before my lips brush his.

"Could you actually not do that in the walkway out the door?"

"Calum? Couldn't you just walk around us without being like that?" Luke mutters against my mouth with a smirk, making me giggle and kiss him again.

Calum mutters something about condoms and leaves the hotel room, but I wasn't really paying any attention to he said because I am too focused on the scent of Luke and how his eyes are focused on mine.

"How was staying with Ashton and Michael? Where you okay?" Luke asks me.

I nod. "It was fine, I was fine. Don't worry. They slept like babies once they were passed out from either drunkenness or becoming sober. So I didn't have to deal with any drunk shenanigans."

"That's not what I was worried about."

I tilt my head a little but choose to ignore it. "How much longer are we here?"

"One more night. And then we're back on the road," Luke says.

I smile. "This is fun."

Luke agrees with a kiss to my jaw. I close my eyes. I am envisioning the first time he kissed me.

But my eyes fly open at a separate memory, my heart beating a little bit faster. A different kiss.

Luke hardly notices my small panic, his lips searching my neck, probably trying to remember where my sweet spot is.

At the memory, I push away from Luke, his eyebrows drawing down in a confused look as I stare at the floor.

"I should probably go back and change. I just wanted to let you know I was awake. I'll see you later, okay?" I mumble quietly, in a daze from my thoughts.

He nods distantly, planting a kiss on my lips. "Are you okay?"

I nod, going for the door. "Yeah I'm fine. See ya."

And I've shut the door between us. Why? I'm still not sure.

Walking down the hall to Michael and Ashton's room, the rose tattoo on my side itches a little. But it doesn't hurt like yesterday.

I need another one so that it does.


So I'm back. I'm sorry I left you guys for a bit there. I'm dealing with some personal stuff. But I was going through wattpad and I felt bad for leaving the story halfway through. I'm going to update as much as possible for those of you that want me to. A lot of stuff happened in this chapter in so few words. It's not the highest quality chapter but it gets better from here I promise.
Love you all please vote and comment x

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