Chapter 2

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As soon as we get past the scary guard outside the club, I know that I am out of my element. It smells oddly of a mix of smoke and alcohol and the music is nothing I've ever listened to before. So many girls who are dressed slutty like me surround guys who, even crazier, are dressed in mostly black skinny jeans and t shirts, making Luke look slightly out of place with his flannel shirt.

A guy brushes up against me, a couple drops of his alcohol dripping on my arm, and out of instinct, I grab Luke's arm for support.

I hear him chuckle and let go, embarrassed. He shrugs. "It's fine. I'm not gonna beat you up over it. It is your first time being a hooker, right?"

I roll my eyes at him repeating what I said and press closer to him, mostly because of the lack of room amongst the hundreds of sweaty bodies shoved together.

"Where's your friend?" He says, shouting over the loud music.

Even on these heels, I am not tall enough to see over everyone. "I don't know. Everyone looks identical to me here."

Luke leans down by me. "We can go by my friends, where its a little quieter and you could try calling her."

I nod, not wanting to yell anymore and let him lead me through the mess. I can breathe once we break out of the most crowded part of the club and it starts to thin out to only a few people here and there. I never realized how far back this club really goes.

"Over here," Luke tells me, his voice finally at normal volume.

He stops and slugs a dude on the arm. "Michael! Where'd Calum disappear to?"

Michael shrugs, draining the shot glass in his hand. "He's already drunk as hell, so I'd leave him be."

"Oi! Ashton!" Luke calls to another guy I can't see. "Come over here! I want you to meet someone!"

After a couple seconds, a guy with brown curly hair, a red bandana drowning in it, comes strolling from the edge of the crowd. "Ay, Luke. Look who joined the party."

"Seen Calum?" Luke asks. He glances at me and gives me a reassuring smile before turning his gaze back to Ashton.

Ashton nods, pointing back towards the crowd. "Somewhere over there. I saw him. And he's completely wasted, so I don't know."

"Could you grab him for me?"

Ashton shrugs. "Why not?" And he trudged back towards the crowd.

"If he's drunk, don't listen to a word he says. He get pretty stupid when he gets wasted," Luke tells me.

I nod. "So why are you four in town? Or do you live here?"

He shrugs, leaning up against the nearest wall, looking exactly as he did when we were in the elevator. "We are a band and we had a gig. I mean, we suck, so you wouldn't know us."

I shake my head. "You guys are probably brilliant. Why would you say you weren't? I bet all the girls SWOON over you."

He laughs, his eyes on the ground. "No. Not really. We aren't all that good."

I roll my eyes. "Maybe you should play for me sometime. I'll be the judge of that."

Luke looks at me quizzically, chuckling. "You are something."

"Is that a complement?" I ask, folding my arms.

He nods, giving me a smirk. "Yeah, it's definitely a compliment."

I'm about to say something when I hear a familiar voice say, "Luke! Ashton says you got something to show me?!"

"Oh dammit, he IS drunk as hell," Luke mumbles, gripping my wrist and I don't pull out of his grasp.

Calum, or I assume he is Calum, stumbles out of the crowd, Ashton trying to support him. Calum trips and Ashton grabs his arm. Calum straightens up. "So what do you need to-?"

He stops when he sees me behind Luke and his eyebrows rise. "Woah. Damn son. Is this a new toy of yours? Is that why you were late?"

"Calum. No. But this is who I wanted to introduce you to," Luke says, surprisingly calmly.

Calum's eyes light up. "Do you have any extra condoms then? Cuz I think I found who I'm laying tonight."

"CALUM," Luke says sternly.

He staggers again, pushing away from Ashton. "What's your toy's name again?"

"I haven't said it yet."

"Well then what the hell is it?!" Calum slurs.

"Please don't judge him while he's like this," Luke pleads, leaning down to whisper it.

I smile and shake my head. "Of course not. If he's anything like you, we'll get along fine."

That makes him smirk. He turns back to his friends and gestures to me. "Guys, this is Samantha. Samantha, guys."

I make a little wave with my fingers. "Hey."

Ashton smiles. "Hey. I'm Ashton. Drummer, bassist, guitarist, singer, but mostly drummer."

I giggle and smile. "Hi Ashton."

Michael shrugs, chucking his shot glass, and I hear it shatter faintly and he turns back to me. "I'm Michael and I like your shoes."

I give him a look. "Hey, uh thanks?"

Michael raises his eyebrows. "She doesn't know the thing? She isn't-?"

Luke moves on. "No, Michael, she doesn't get the thing."

He smirks at me. "Maybe I ACTUALLY like her shoes then, if you know what I mean, Luke."

"No. No you don't," he says quickly and at my confused expression, he adds, "I'll explain later."

Calum laughs a big belted laugh before burping super loud. "And I'm Calum, the best of the four. And if Michael likes your shoes, then I like them more."

"Is Ashton the only one who doesn't like her shoes?" Luke mumbles exasperatedly.

"I didn't say that," Ashton says. "But I didn't say I did either. Not that I would tell you because your already too stressed out. Nice meeting you Samantha!"

And he disappeared into the crowd again. I chuckle. "Your friends are pretty cool."

Luke sighs. "They are so immature."

"So is nearly every young adult male. That's not saying much," I point out.

With a chuckle he agrees, "I guess you're right. So," he says, a smirk on his face, "what's your poison? Or since its your first time being a hooker, should I pick your poison for you?"

I roll my eyes. "Get me whatever you want. I've never even tasted alcohol."

"I'll get you...fireball or vodka or champagne?" He asks me.

"Champagne smells weird and I heard vodka is really strong," I say, narrowing it down to fireball.

"So fireball or...oh I could get you a wine?" He inquires, his hand slipping from my hand to my waist, the quickest a guy has ever gone from hand to waist before in my life, and for some odd reason, I'm okay with it. More than that: It feels right and absolutely amazing.

"I'll try a fireball, I guess," I say and with a smile, Luke starts walking and since his arm is around me, I am pulled along with him.

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