Chapter 30

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"Stop calling me. I have nothing to say to you."

My phone lands safely on my bunk. The bus jerks a little and I almost lose my footing when I feel Michael at my back, grabbing my waist to keep me balanced. "You okay? Was that your dad again?"

I sigh. "Yeah. He doesn't stop calling me. I'm ready to toss my phone in a blender."

"Maybe...maybe you should-."

I turn around. "I'm not going to talk to him, Michael. He could have talked to me about it before I left. Now it's a little too late."

It's been two weeks. Two weeks since I broke up with Luke. Two weeks since I started dating Michael. Two weeks since I found out my dad sobered up.

The tour is going well, summer is drawing to a close, and I'm trying not to think about what will happen when the tour is over. When the boys have to go back to Australia.

I'm just trying to ignore the inevitable.

"I'm not saying you have to love him again and have a healthy father-daughter relationship. But I think maybe it would be good to talk...maybe go home to your sisters..." Michael suggests.

I shake my head. "Jesus, Michael, are you even thinking?"

He frowns. "Look, Sami. I know you hate your dad. I get it. But running from him isn't how to handle it."

"It's not just that, but i can't go home. Not yet. God, do you even want me here?" I snap.

Michael looks in shock. "O-of course I do. Baby, no, I'm not saying I want you to leave, but it would be best for you and for your dad and for your sisters-."

"No. Being here, with you, is what's best for me. I'm happy where you are. The happiest I've been in years," I say quietly.

He sighs. "I know that's what you think, but-."

"No. It's what I know," I insist. "Can we just not talk about this?"

Michael brings a hand to his face, running it across. Another sigh. "Okay baby. Whatever. But we are going to discuss this. It has to be talked about."

I nod. "Fine. Fair enough."

"Okay, taking up the whole walkway. I'm needing a good game of Grand Theft Auto and I can't get to the TV," Calum groans, trying to shove past Michael and me.

"Calum, there is more to life than video games, you know that right?" Michael says sarcastically.

I jump in. "And don't be sarcastic and say fucking girls and drinking because I know you would."

Calum rolls his eyes. "Yeah I know. But Sam, you forgot to mention pizza. Life isn't complete without pizza."

"You need to get a life," Michael mutters.

Calum pushed past us. "Yeah yeah, mum. I'll get on that."

So as it appears, there isn't much wrong with being on tour with these boys. Because they're fun, sarcastic, awesome.

Except, as anyone would suspect, it's awkward as hell. Imagine trying to kiss your boyfriend. Anywhere, just anywhere in the bus. And suddenly your ex, who is also your boyfriend's best friend, decides to go in that room for some reason and ends up having to see you and your boyfriend making out.

It's happened about 20 times.

It's just as mortifying each time it happens.

We'd be kissing, Luke walks in, his face turns bright red, his fists clench, and he walks away, the heat of his anger palpable.

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