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I swat Calum's hand away.

"Would you stop being a total girl?" I snap at him.

He rolls his eyes. "I could ask you the same question."

"The only difference is I have the right genitals, dickhead," I say.

He chuckles. "Well, you and Michael really are meant to be."

Calum brushes down my dress. "Honestly, you could just let me help you. Michael sent me back here because he wanted someone to look after you."

"Well I have Taylor and Olivia and Katherine to look after me. Be a good groomsman and groom the man," I away sarcastically.

Calum shakes his head. "I'd rather not. Besides, I really don't want to deal with him right now. He's bipolar. I'm not sure if he's going to go all mushy or start yelling. It's off and on so I'd rather be over here."

I roll my eyes at him. "Please stop messing with my dress, then. It looks fine."

I let out a small exclamation when I remember I forgot to take off my engagement ring. I hand it over to Calum a little regretfully, mostly because it's so beautiful.

Speaking of beautiful, what happened to me? I almost don't look like myself. My now pastel purple hair is up in a beautiful twist and my dress is just so beautiful I can't begin to wonder how it became mine.

"Nine months after tonight, there will be baby Cliffords running around every where, huh?" Calum says with a snicker. I smack him in the head.

"Shut up, you shithead."

"Don't call me up for babysitting, I hate kids. On the contrary, call Ashton. He likes children for some strange reason," Calum muses.

I step away from the mirror, facing him. "Calum?"

He nods. "Yeah Princess?"

"How do I look?"

Calum looks me up and down once before giving me a genuine smile. "Samantha. You look like exactly that. A princess. Michael is going to cry at the sight of you."

"Michael doesn't cry."

So after 36 months of dating...we dated another 24. Because apparently to Greg, 19 was to young to get married.

So after 5 years, Michael proposed. You'd think Michael, Mr. Punk bad boy wouldn't go to getting tied down for the rest of his life, but he seemed perfectly fine with it. He got me crying the day he asked, and now I'm bound determined not to cry today.

"He might today. Would it be really wrong of me to say you look super mega sexy in that dress?" Calum asks.

I roll my eyes. "Calum, will you never change?"

He grins. "You're looking at the forever fuckboy."

I sigh shaking my head. "Maybe...maybe you should slow down and stop partying all the time."

Calum shakes his head, still grinning. "The party never stops with me. Maybe once I'm 30."

"That's only 6 years away. Don't put it off for too long."

Calum makes the 'pfff' sound and flicks out a hand. "Once I'm ready to get hitched, I'll pick my girl and that's it."

Suddenly, a crazy redhead comes racing into the room. "Sami!"

I smile at her. "Aw, baby! You look lovely!"

Taylor blows a strand of hair from her eyes. "Okay, so Olivia is stuck and her boobs won't fit into her dress. Also, please stop calling me baby."

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