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You always have lived a normal boring life. It's almost Deja Vu everyday and nothing out of ordinary happens, except when a classmate of yours got into fights with another student of course but still, that was normal.

You wake up, do your chores, go to school, go home, do your assignments, watch anime until midnight, sleep and repeat. Same schedule, same thing, nothing out of ordinary whatsoever. 

You're pretty normal yourself other than your intelligence and high addiction to novels and animes. You can blend into a crowd without any efforts and you have no charisma. Maybe if you disappear no one would notice it either. 

The only thing that would suit you the most is pretty much the word, Normal. 

You're just a normal girl in the background where no one would notice you. You aren't the main character in a story nor even a second lead or a side character. 

You are lower than that and you don't care. Peace is beautiful sometimes but sometimes it isn't either. You just want something out of ordinary to happen to at least make your dull life worthwhile. Something thrilling, just like those beautiful moments you have read and saw in the novels and manhwas. 

It's a simple wish but you know that it's basically near to impossible in terms of it coming true in this boring old world. 

But it was another day of hell and brain cell executions and you want nothing but rest and read something to kick your boredom and bad mood away.

Thankfully your school have a library that has a lot of selections of books, including some novels, different genres and such. That's where you're heading right now.

You sighed to yourself as you walked through the hallways of your school, everyone's going home but it's not bad to stay for another hour right? It's not like you've been doing these since the earlier days. Besides, it's not like somesones waiting for you at home. 

Entering the school library, you saw other students sitting there with books in their hands and others writing vigorously on a piece of paper, their school supplies scattered on their chosen desks.

It's nice to say the least, not much sounds were heard other than turning pages, the sound of pens against paper and students walking around and whispering to each other.

The librarian who was now a bit old was there, typing away on her computer with her eyes behind her glasses fully focused on the screen. You're shocked honestly, how an old lady like her is better at gadgets than you and the other kids. 

You wrote your name on the notebook in the entrance before walking off to find a book to read. You have read all the mangas in the library but you checked it out anyways, maybe they added a new light novel or even a series.

Most of the books in that section is gone, must've been borrowed by the other students. After all these type of books are popular to teenagers. 

You ran your fingers through the spine of the books before stopping at a particularly unfamiliar yet thick novel. You pulled it out from the shelves, you grunted because it was kind of heavy but you paid no attention to it and looked at the title.

'Undeniable Love : Choose your fate'

You read before looking at the book cover where five Ikemen boys and a beautiful girl was portrayed. The art was very beautiful and aesthetic. It looks eye-catching and interesting indeed. 

You think that you'll read this one.

You opened it into a random page and saw one of the male leads doing the cliche kabedon move in one of the illustrations that the book have in some of it's parts. Well it may be cliche but a book wouldn't be complete and won't be great without those moves actually.

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