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Ok maybe you shouldn't have asked for help with such a sadistic man who will take every and any opportunities to make you suffer.

According to your plan, you should accept Alex's 'friendship request' and take the chance to make him hate you as much as possible and also make him hang out with Christina so he can finally fall for her.

Wabaam, simple right?

No, at least at your part. You only spent such a short time with the man but you already know he's insufferable, not really that much but you get the point.

Heartbreakers are the worst types of men but truly though, you found yourself thinking if he's a Playboy with how much he acts like a lost puppy.

But then then again, it must be one of his ploys.

Anyways back to the real topic, it's not like you can take any other path, it's the one that makes the most sense without giving the others too much misunderstanding that might cause too many problems.

(Especially because you don't want more bullies or fangirls to come even though Ian handles them all.)

Your other plans and operations have been shut down by Ian so unmercilessly that made you realize that your rat brain is nothing compared to him despite you being mentally older than him.

Y'know, it's like getting scolded by a toddler because you're doing such crazy and illogical things that even a kid would think you're stupid.

Your pride is already damaged, no need to annihilate it.

You sighed, running a hand through your hair. You have picked that hobby from Theo now, it's just because he always does it often and now it's been passed to you and Christina.

It's such a dumb plan but you really don't have a choice do you? It's the only one that isn't the dumbest one compared to the others.

So here you are, roaming around the campus alone without Ian who just excused himself all of the sudden.

The man is behaving so suspiciously, it's like he built a wall around himself between the two of you.

Yes, you realized what he meant. The man likes you and even tried to kiss you, it made you blush alright?!

You realized it too late, your brain isn't working the moment he tried to kiss you, how are you supposed to realize sh*t when something almost impossible happened?

Bro you almost got kissed by a hot man, what are you supposed to do?

It's your second confession and it's only been a month after Theo did. That's when you realized, that you were the one who's jeopardizing everything in the plot.

You were the one who kept ruining things and that your existence is already a huge plot twist from the start.

Yes, it's different now but that doesn't mean you can't fix it.

It doesn't matter when things aren't going to it's usual plot, what matters the most is the ending and you're going to make sure that in the end, all of this are going back to normal.

Theo is fine because he really isn't a male lead but Ian? You want to smack him for developing those feelings for you.

What did he even see in a potato like you? It- it just made you think of a hot man choosing a piece of potato instead of his fiance in the supermarket, well it's not like he can buy his fiance- OK off of topic.

You pursed your lips, maybe the drift that suddenly happened between you and Ian is the plot helping you take off his feelings and that this is how they'll return things to normal.

Maybe, this is where you and Ian ends. You'll just go with the flow then.

"Ah! Y/N-chan!" There he is. Alex the man, the myth, the legend standing at the hallway surrounded by girls.

He immediately ran towards you, abandoning his girls as they glared at you for stealing his attention away.

"Myers." You forced yourself to smile so you'll come off friendly and somehow mustered up a stiff smile.

Thankfully Alex didn't mention your horrible attempt on smiling and beamed as he stood in front of you.

"I was looking for you." You blurted out and Alex's eyes widened as he gaped at you in bewilderment.

"Really? What for?" A soft smile bloomed in his face, almost blinding you in the process. Ah geez, this male lead charms is annoying you already!

What bothers you is that you kept forgetting that he's actually a male lead and that he's a jerk of a Playboy just because of how genuine and innocent he looks and smiles.

But then again, he is mention to be quite the actor so it must be one of his ploys.

"Remember when you asked me to be your friend?" You asked and he nodded eagerly, gesturing you to continue, "I'm considering it so let's be friends from now on."

You outstretched your hand towards him, waiting for him to take it.

Alex could only laugh in delight as his eyes brightened, shaking your hand in joy like a little adorable kid who had his first friend. It almost made you feel bad, almost.

After handshaking for almost a minute, you tried to take your hand away from him but he only pulled it back and placed a gentle kiss on top of it.

You blushed and just pulled your hand away from him as the girls behind him gasp, hey it's not like he didn't kiss their hands too right? So why the heck are they acting so jealous, oh right they're petty.

"I'm glad you finally considered being my friend Y/N-chan." He smiled yet again, ignoring how you rudely pulled your hand away from him.

"Likewise Alex."

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