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Your mind blanked at his words, leaving you speechless and unable to comprehend what had just happened.

Alex could only stare at you in hope, clutching your hand more tighter this time but not enough to hurt you though.

I know it must be sudden and a little fast but can you blame him? He was intrigued, he felt some kind of force pulling him to you and he knew he can't get away.

Perhaps it was your simple charm? Your eyes? The way you carried yourself? The way you seem very public with about yourself but felt like you still have many secrets hidden?

To be honest, Alex himself doesn't know what he saw in you. There's a lot of girls prettier, smarter and stronger than you, like your friend Christina for example.

He always believed his type was the kind of silent and pretty girls but when he saw you, let's just say his belief drastically changed.

He couldn't explain the feeling.

There's this euphoric feeling that envelops his whole being when he's with you, heck just being near you makes him feel like he's on Cloud 9.

He didn't know where it started, perhaps it was the moment he saw you at the Cafe or the when you reject every move he makes towards you but it only made him more persistent and pumped up.

He admits, the way you brush him off so easily hurts him and the way you always have guys next to you just a few minutes later just doesn't settle right with him.

He wants to stay beside you and only him.

He was disappointed to the way you always talk about Christina and only talk about her.

Are you trying to matchmake the two of them?

If that's the case then sorry, he wasn't interested on his supposed partner and was rather interested on the person who's orchestrating the whole matchmaking thing.

It's ungrateful of him but f*ck that, he wants what he wants and it's you not your pretty best friend.

It seems like he needs to drill that deeply in your brain, he wants to speak to you normally without your friend coming in to the topic.

Christina this, Christina that, why can't he just talk to the person he likes about each other instead? Seriously, if he can be Christina then he will, but that's not possible so what is he going to do?

With some other boys having their eyes on you, he won't fall back and noticing how oblivious you are with them, he has no choice but to be direct with you.

"I know it's very early for me to say this but I like you." He said, drawing circles on your hand with his thumb.

He watched as you showed the look of surprise and bewilderment on your face. His heart raced, his face turning red as he continued.

He wasn't normally embarrassed or nervous when he says something like this to other girls but they're not you after all.

They're not you, the only woman in his heart. It was for such a short time but you managed to capture it without even trying.

He's attracted to you, like a magnet.

"Not as a friend but romantically," He gulped,"It's- it's just that you're really nice and that there's something about you is drawing me in."

He leaned forward, his cheeks turning even redder as he came closer to you. He had the sudden urge to grab your face and just take you right there but he restrained himself.

He knew you wouldn't like it so he tried to respect you but when push comes to shove, he won't even hesitate to use force.

Only when he'd had enough of course, thankfully he's quite the patient man.

(Oh ho ho ho ho? 👀)

"Will you be mine?" His eyes stared at you rather looking a bit too fixated. Meanwhile you're still overloading from what's happening.

Alex must've noticed your discomfort and leaned back to give you space but didn't let go of your hand.

It was silent and Alex began to feel awkward and regret everything in this whole life. Ok, it is a little bit too early, abrupt and almost absurd.

"Maybe it's still early huh? I'm sorry I made you uncomfortable Y/N-chan." A gentle smile came in his face though it looks sad, he took your silence as rejection.

"I'll leave you for a bit so you can think about this, don't worry you don't have to force yourself on answering me right away." He brushed back a strand of your hair straying away and put it behind your ears, "I'll see you later."

With that he let go of your hand and just literally walked away with a rejected aura around him, leaving you all alone to yourself.

It wasn't even a month and yet you got another confession but then you realized, the exact words he just told you was the same ones he said to Christina in the original novel, even Ian's.

You feel stupid, did you really just realize that now? You got two confessions from the male leads and somehow, somehow it's as if you became the heroine.

It's probably not that right? But with Ian and Alex's confession, you began to doubt on who you are supposed to be in this novel world.

You always believed that you're just supposed to be the heroine's best friend, the sidekick, the side character but....

Are you really just the side character at this point?

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