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Here you are, sitting in a classroom with a bunch of 9 year old kids who were practically chaotic evils.

Is this what a stressed teacher feels like?

Now you know that it's not students who thinks school is hell, but teachers too. Imagine handling about 30 kids that won't listen to you or kids that are so rebellious.

It's like being the only guard in a prison stationed in bunch of rowdy maximum-security prisoners.

You bet teachers are denting their frustrations or stress to their students by giving hard assignments or surprise quizzes.

When everyone was already in their seats properly and was silent, your teacher named Miss Ramirez, who's absolutely tired looking, took this opportunity to talk.

She cleared her throat, evoking naughty boys to copy her but in a much louder volume. She seems used to it when she only gave the boys pointed looks.

"Alright everyone, today we're going have a new student joining our class." The classroom was filled with excited and curious murmurs and mumbles.

You were again right, Christy would be in your class and she'd be sitting beside you, the seat next to the window.

The protag seat.

"You can enter and introduce yourself."

And so Christy did and how radiant and charming she looked as she stood up beside your teacher at the front. Even your teacher looked stunned at how angelic she is.

The sun wasn't even that evident but yet it seems like it's rays illuminated her.

You can hear the boys already vying to talk to her and the girls complimenting her with a few exceptions of Karen children that scoffed with jealousy.

Christy scanned the room and the moment she saw you and the empty seat beside you, she smiled.

You returned it and gave her a small wave and a gesture towards the seat. You'll be seatmates and you'll be a potato compared to her but you don't mind, she's your friend and who wouldn't want sitting beside them?

She would be also a cooperative partner if there's ever a project for two. You already feel a head ache imagining getting paired up with a rowdy 9 year old who won't probably listen to you.

"Hello. My name is Christina Alderich, I'm your new classmate so please treat me well." There she goes with her formal introduction that always gets people attracted to her.

Talk about good first impressions.

This behavior of her also got the attention of the male leads when everyone was asked to introduce themselves to the class during the first year of high-school.

It was similar to this, she looked so regal and pretty, an angel to be exact except that she's more grown-up.

Though dayum, you know in the future Christina with her beauty and coolness would make girls bi for her.

The class made a chorus of welcoming her and soon she was asked to take a seat which was yet again beside you.

She sat beside you, smiling with relief that she have a friend already in the class.

She was quite the introvert too, keeping a small circle of friends that she always keep close. Mostly it was the male leads and her brother but you can guess you're in the circle now.

"I'm glad we're classmates and seatmates too!" She said, grabbing your hand between hers with the same face.

'SO PRECIOUS!!' Your brain screamed.

You felt yourself turn red, ah is this why protagonists are always beside the window so when they smile, they look more attractive? To look like they're part of the nature? To be an absolute Angel?

But now you know why the male leads were so adamant on wanting to be with her, to get their hands on her. She was pretty as heck and nice.

"Yeah! I'm so happy you're in my class." You laughed, you're genuinely happy as you took a hold of her hands in return too.

You smiled at each other before turning your attention to the front where your teacher was teaching some simple math.

Math, finally you're easy.


It was now recess and currently Christy is swarmed with students wanting to befriend or know her better. It was a typical reaction but what was unusual is that it was the whole class gathered at her and your table.

You're absolutely getting squished but you didn't mind as you took a bite of your sandwich, watching as Christy smiled and answer some questions but you can see her smile was rather strained because she was getting so overwhelmed and confused by children talking at the same time.

You wanted to help but you know the kids will be angry and mob at you and a mob of angry children was never a good thing.

They're like children with knives so you just let Christy be until everyone was finished talking to her which actually took the whole period by the way.

Though at least she got to eat her food even a bit even if she's getting swarmed.

You can't tell she's already the star of the class, the muse even.

Fortunately when lunch came, you and her had some peace with your classmates finally doing and minding their own devices and now here you are, eating somewhere near the garden with her brother.

Theo was already popular when you saw him also getting swarmed in the hallways when he's trying to find where his sister could be.

And when he found you and his sister exiting the class to find a good spot to eat, he walked beside Christy with his bento also in hand.

The fangirls were dismissed when he simply sent them a glare. Talk about the popular cold quiet kid of the class that could make people disappear with one look.

Like brother and sister you guessed, popular and silent but most importantly-

'THE BEAUTY IS TOO MUCH! MY EYES ARE BLESSED!' You shouted mentally as you watched the two siblings eat, they look so much alike.

Silky ebony hair and African amethyst colored eyes, fair skin and naturally pink lips.

Yep, totally beautiful and the beauty mark Christy had on her bottom lips and Theo's under his left eye, didn't help at all.

Princesses and Princes.

The beauty likely that of Royalties, that's what they have.

And that's where they gained their cliche nicknames of Princess and Prince of the school or the Alderich siblings which was more simpler.

Seriously they could be more creative but you agree though, they're like royalties.

"-/N?" You heard Christy call you with a worried look at her face. Theo also stopped eating as he rose an eyebrow at you.

"Are you ok? You've been staring at us for a while." She asked, confusion and worry in her tone while Theo only nodded beside her. He showed the same worry and confusion. 

'You cannot blame me! You two are too ethereal!'

You ignored your fangirling brain as you smiled sheepishly, flushing red in embarrassment.

"Ah, I was just happy that you guys are in the same school as me!" The baddest lie ever, you want to smack yourself.

They smiled at you either ways, buying your half assed lie as you all continued to eat and talked about random topics a until the bell rang.

They're really great people.

And soon 2 years have passed quickly with you spending time with them almost everyday, forming a unbreakable bond between you three.


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