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It was early that morning, you have gotten used to your new schedule of waking a lot more earlier because of the times you've avoided the Alderich siblings.

You did your chores, ate food and just jogged towards your school with your mind in a fresh start. You really didn't bother waiting for the siblings because you still have assignments to do at the school.

Early birds have their benefits and I tell you, one of them is the time to rush your unfinished homework.

You wanted to smack yourself so hard after some thinking with the help of your mom.

Thank god she snapped some senses into you and made you realize that this is your life now, everything already drifted off away from the original plot and it's up to you how you're going to live it.

'Wah, sorry Christina and the others..' You internally cried as you walk yourself to the school, thinking if many ways to excuse your stupid and cruel actions to your friends.

Speaking of friends, Hana and the two twins will surely get along with the others right? They won't probably mind you still hanging out with your new friends.

Humming to yourself, you started to walk faster. You can't wait to make things back to normal with you and your friends. Sure they can scold and smack you but, at least you know they're going to forgive you.

That is, if you gave the right reason.


"N/N-chan!" Suddenly, a voice called out and caused you to halt from walking. You turned your head side to side in every direction to find who called you, only to see precious Hana racing towards you with a happy smile.

"Hana!" You smiled back, waving at the energetic girl. You two sometimes cross paths when going to school, sometimes she's early and sometimes she's not. That's why you didn't make this an everyday thing.

"You look more relaxed and happy today." She smiled as she peered at your refreshed face. Well, you're actually pretty much refreshed without the guilt of ignoring your friends weighing you down.

Suddenly, everything seems brighter.

While you chatted with Hana, you suddenly felt a familiar creepy feeling return. You immediately turned around but saw no one in sight, the feeling of being stared at is back again and somehow it felt more worse than ever.

Hana, who was startled by your abrupt action, turned around too with a confused face.

"N/N-chan, is something wrong?" She asked worriedly, touching your sleeve to snap you out of it. She was worried at how alarmed and pale you look.

"N-no, no it's nothing... Let's just get going." You gulped before turning around, pulling Hana hastily to get the heck away from there.

Thank God, Hana was there or else you would've been so scared.

This, this had gone for some time and maybe you can tell the others about this. They're the one's you can trust after all. You don't want to tell your parents, you don't want them worrying and hovering over you.

They're already busy and they don't need to get their stress level go more higher.

You took one more glance behind you but the road remained empty.

You pursed your lips and shook your head, you just turned back and walked with Hana beside you.


As soon as you entered the classroom and greeted the twins, you sat at your usual seat and fixed your things.

Ian, who's one of the male leads and one of the person you ignored, gave you glance and you can clearly see his irritated aura spilling out.

Every morning he's like this, he isn't afraid to show you that he's getting angry at how you're ignoring him.

Honestly he's probably one of the people who gave you a hard time and one of the person who literally chased you when you tried to avoid them.

There's a frown in his handsome face, his laid-back countenance no where to be found, instead it was replaced by some kind of boy who's deprived of his girlfriend's attention and was going on his emo phase because of it.

Well, you might as well end his suffering and just talk to him.

"Good morning Ian." As soon as you uttered those words, his head literally whipped towards you with joy on his eyes but he immediately covered it up.

"Morning Restroom girl, finally come to your senses?" He smirked and oh God, you didn't know you'll miss getting called a restroom.

"Ehehe.. It seems so." You laughed nervously as his eyes watched your every move, like an Eagle eyeing his prey.

"Good, because if this lasts one more day.." He stopped talking and you raised one eyebrow towards him, asking why'd he stop.

He just rested his arm on the table and leaned his chin on his hand while still looking at you.

"I might not be able to control myself any longer and just kidnap you. Maybe that'll make you talk to me yeah?" His words were disturbing to say the least, who even jokes about that?

What's more disturbing is that, he sounds serious about it. His tone doesn't have it's usual teasing tone and his eyes doesn't have it's usual mischief and his strangely beautiful Crimson orbs stared at you intently.

It gave you goosebumps, the hairs on your arm and the back of your neck stood up.

Just then, Ian laughed, waving his disturbing words off when he noticed your discomfort.

"I'm just joking!" He said with glee in his eyes, as if he was happy saying those words, as if... As if he enjoyed the terrified look on your face.

You immediately glared at him and he smiled in return, finally stopping his amused and joyful laughter.

"But seriously though Y/N." He suddenly said our name, his tone dark as he stared you down with his seemingly glowing eyes.

"Don't you dare do it again, I don't like getting ignored by you. Who knows if you don't listen to me, my joke might just come true." His smirk returned, mocking you while he grabbed a strand of your hair and inhaled it.

You slapped his hand away from your hair but he only approached you, until your faces were only inches apart.

He doesn't seem to care about the people staring at the both of you and continued his plan.

He placed a hand on your waist and pulled you to him closer. You closed your eyes at shock and shivered when you heard his voice very close to you, beside your ear exactly.

"You look very weak y'know, it wouldn't be too hard to take you captive."

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