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"Y/N? Christina? It's nice to see you here." As soon as Penelope stopped running and stood in front all of you, she greeted you and your best friend.

You feel small, being surrounded by good looking people. Y'know, it's like being thrown in the middle of super models while here you are, being the usual haggard looking couch potato.

But though, wasn't Leon supposed to meet Christina until next year? The novel never mentioned them meeting at the park.

Did you screw up the timeline by stopping Leon when he's about to leave? You're sure that you did and now you regret everything.

It's too late to try and separate them now and pretend like they never even met. The two made this instant connection when they met eyes, you felt it.

You mentally 'tsk'ed before greeting Penelope back. It didn't also help that you just found out that she and Leon are cousins.

Maybe Leon is visiting her and basing from what she just yelled, Leon ditched her while touring around.

Wow, nice move Leon. You might get lost around, get chased by simps and never return home.

"Thank you for making Leon stay, if you didn't then I'd probably still running around trying to find him." Penelope smiled, almost making you blush.

Christina though, moved closer to you, holding your hand tighter like she usually does.

You paid her no mind as you returned Penelope's sweet smile, watching her turn her head towards Leon and immediately start to nag him.

It was funny, seeing how frustrated Penelope is with her cousin and the said cousin not paying attention and just continued to eat his ice cream as if no one is even talking to him.

Leon was the type to always listen to your problems but it seems like he's just done with his cousin acting like his mom, it seems like a daily occurrence.

"N/N...." you heard Christina mumble, leading you to look at her. Seriously she looks like a jealous girlfriend, clinging to your arm even though she's taller than you.

"Why didn't you invite me when your going somewhere, did I do something wrong?" She said sadly, her bottom lip sticking out a bit into a unintentional pout.

She looked at you, her eyes turning glassy.

You could feel your heart stop, geez she know how to make someone guilty really good.

"I- the car wasn't at your parking lot so I thought you guys had gone somewhere.." You excused, you're not lying though.

The car wasn't there and you just naturally assumed that they're not there, alone time also is very tempting.

Yes, Christina's getting clingy and is rarely seen without you by her side. Not that you're complaining but it was really noticeable.

She would guiltrip you to say the truth and you being the usual soft friend you are, can't lie to her.

People would often joke how you two sound like a couple with Christina being the girlfriend who wouldn't live without you by her side.

And now you found yourself believing that she indeed, won't live without you.Kinda make you feel special.

"Oh...I see, I understand." She said, sighing before giving your hand a gentle squeeze.

Her eyes turned to Leon, who looks like he's about to fall asleep, with his ice cream already gone.

"Who's that guy you're with?" She asked and you smirked.

"Oh~ you like him?" You wiggled your eyebrow at her suggestively.

"No! I'm just curious, did he buy you ice cream?! Did he do anythi-" She was about go and shoot you with countless questions, making you raise a hand to her.

"No, he's just a random boy who returned my handkerchief when I dropped it and also, I'm the one who brought him the ice cream as payment." You explained to her to which she nodded, seemingly contented into knowing what happened.

"Okay, I'm now satisfied."

"I- what?"

"Nothing~" Christina just laughed you off, seriously her laugh sounds like a heaven's symphony, gotta praise that.

'Leon, Penelope, Christina and me are here, almost every cast is. Now we only need Jere-'

"Christina? Y/N?" You really need to stop jinxing yourself. It was Leon first, then the ice cream truck and now Jeremy.

It's like whatever is in your mind is happening.

"Jeremy, you're here too?" Christina asked the handsome boy who's hands are shoved in his pockets. He looked bored, giving off the vibes just like you.

Did everyone had the same nagging feeling about going outside?

"Yeah, something's bugging me so I decided to take a walk and then I saw you two." He said, jinxing you again.

'Am I going crazy?'

Suddenly Leon came in standing beside you, with Penelope still nagging him. It seems like he needs your help, judging at how he acted.

His eyes literally screamed 'help me dude' and when you looked at Penelope, she shrugged and sighed. She crossed her arms before giving Leon the 'I'll be watching you' gesture.

Christina stepped closer to you, if it's even possible. Jeremy's eyes drifted to the boy who's a bit too close to you and he didn't like it at all.

His golden eyes swept back to yours again, questioning you and so you came and introduced Leon.

"Uh guys, this is Leon, Penelope's cousin." You introduced the boy beside you, acting like you don't know him that much even though you pretty much know him.

You wanted to blurt out to them- 'Oh hey guys, this is Leon Ivanov. He's a male lead like you Jeremy and one of Christina's suitors. He likes to sleep and loves sleep, you guys were supposed to know him this upcoming next year but it seems like I effed up and messed the timeline because of an ice cream.'

But you know you can't, that'll be so suspicious and weird.

Realizing that Leon also didn't know about your friends, you gestured to the boy in front of you.

"And this is Jeremy, he's a friend of mine." Jeremy winced mentally, somehow the title you gave him just didn't settle right in his heart but he let it go.

"Nice to meet you." Jeremy said, nodding his head at Leon. You were at awe, is this how male leads look like in live action?

Dayum you can see the red and blue aura around them, clashing against each other with their charms as weapons.

Gosh, how can Christina handle being in the middle while two handsome males are totally glaring at each other for her attention.

"This is Christina, my best friend." Christina gave him a wave and a small smile.

"And I'm Y/N, we're classmates with Penelope here." You finally introduced yourself to him.

Leon, thankfully is paying attention to you and was not disregarding you like he did with Penelope.

"Pleasure to meet you Y/N..." He completely ignored the others except you, irking Christina and Jeremy and making you chuckle.

Oh gosh, he made you feel special. Seriously.

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