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"She doesn't know how to fully take care of someone Y/N." Ian answered bluntly, the distaste in his tone fully obvious. You frowned at this.

"Is it because I passed out?"

"Take it as you want." He told back firmly, it seems like everyone isn't fond of Ms. Villiers these days. You do feel quite sad with her, she didn't let you rest and only hushed you to class even though she knew you weren't rested enough.

You sighed before shaking your head. With the looks Ian was giving, he isn't going to change his mind anytime.

"I'll take that as a yes."

"Whatever, all that matters is that she's gone." A smirk came to his face, one that almost sent a shiver up your body. His words didn't help either.

"Gone? What do you mean by that?"

"Retired." His smirk subdued to a smile, as if thoroughly pleased with something or himself. Though his smile stopped when he noticed the disturbed look on your face.

"What? Do you think I did something to her?" His eyebrow furrowed, solely looking at you and waiting for your answer. His crimson eyes were staring intently at you, it's as if he's telling you to choose what you say correctly.

"No, I was just curious, that's all." You gulped and watched as he rested fully at his chair, leaning back.

"Curiosity kills the cat you know?" With that, you never dared to ask or continue the topic any further.

"But satisfaction brought it back I suppose." You swore you heard him whisper underneath his breath but you didn't dare to ask anymore.

Weeks later, a new talk around the town rapidly spread and soon enough, everyone in the school already knew about it.

It was shocking, the news that went around. That your former school nurse was found dead in her home, deceased and unmoving, cold and not breathing at all.

It was such a horrifying news, you just saw her a few weeks ago. She looks well so what could've happened?

Rumours have said that her relatives went to visit her home since she wasn't answering the calls or messages after days.

But the sight that greeted them was horrifying, a dead Ms Villiers was there, in her bed as if just resting peacefully.

The police didn't reveal the cause of death or anything but it scares you, knowing someone from your town and someone who worked in your school just died.

People theorized that her death has an involvement with her sudden retirement. But as for now, the police are still searching for any evidence as to what happened.

So for now, the entire town and school is on edge for any update to the case.

It was strange however, Alex wasn't that clingy to you anymore nor has tried any flirty shenanigans. The others, they were bit more withdrawn but still the same at the other manners.

Ian's words, it bothered you. Even Theo's and Christina's. It's like they wanted her dead with their mannerisms and actions.

And coincidentally, she really did die weeks later. Suddenly, certain words flashed through your mind.

Ones that flushed cold water through your entire body.

'Whatever, all that matters is that she's gone.' A smirk came to his face, one that almost sent a shiver up your body. His words didn't help either.

'What? Do you think I did something to her?' His eyebrow furrowed, solely looking at you and waiting for your answer. His crimson eyes were staring intently at you, it's as if he's telling you to choose what you say correctly.

'Curiosity kills the cat you know?'

Could it be? No, you shook your head. It must've been that he only hated her right? A highschool boy couldn't cause that much harm right?

But knowing his nature and the way he acts, could it be possible? No way, you'll have to ask him soon even it sounds ridiculous.

"You look deep in thought, a penny for your thoughts?" A voice snapped you out of your stupor. You looked to your left and saw Adrian sitting next to you, two water bottles in hand.

He handed the other to you and you thanked him, taking the cold bottle. He must've been from practice.

"It's nothing, just thinking." You said, placing your hand on top of the bottle and uncapped it before taking a quick sip.

"Let me guess, Ms Villiers?" Adrian said, taking a sip too. You can't help but stare, is it bad to say that even drinking he looks attractive? It's not bad to appreciate beauty right?

"How did you know?

"It's easy to guess, almost everyone is talking about her." Adrian shrugged, wiping the sweat from his face with the towl slung around his neck.

Makes sense.

"What do you think is the reason why she died?"

"There's some kind of thing chemical injected inside her system." Adrian answered nonchalantly, heaving a deep sigh.

"It's possible they rule it suicide though." Adrian spoke, putting the water bottle at the space between you.

"Why do you know so many thing about this stuff?" You asked, you didn't even know about this news yet.

"My uncle works for this case, the lead detective so I'm very much updated about this stuff." Adrian answered, smiling.

"So if you have any leads or ideas, just tell me. I'll make sure to tell it to uncle." Adrian said and you opened your mouth but closed it afterwards.

No, you still aren't sure. You'll have to make sure but yet again, what kind of murderer confess his own killings?

"Yeah, I will." Was all you said before looking at your lap, losing yourself in your thoughts again.

All could Adrian do was watch you get lost in yourself, worry seeping through his veins.

You've been very gloomy these days, everyone could see.

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