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True to Adrian's words, her death was ruled suicide. It seems like she overdosed herself, hence the bottle of medicine in her bedside.

It could've been sleeping pills and other stuff.

Just like that, her case was closed with the conclusion of suicide. Her relatives have some doubts and you do too, it isn't investigated enough.

Their reason for it was she has no real reason to kill herself like that, mostly because she's an outgoing person and doesn't have any medical record of depression and stuff.

They appealed for another investigation but it was denied and the rest was history.

The case went cold.

Really, it ended abruptly with no space to argue.

"Y/N!" You heard a cheerful voice call out. You turned around and saw Hana and the twins. A smile spread out on your face as you went towards them.

"It's been awhile." Diana said, letting you engulf her with a hug. The other two didn't hesitate to join the embrace either.

"We didn't get the chance to talk to you since you're always with your friends." Hana pouted and didn't let go of you even if the twins did.

"Hana, shouldn't you be happy since they've made up now?" Diane asked, raising her eyebrow while her twin just nodded teasingly. Hana gaped and let go of you, pointing accusingly at the both of them.

"I am happy! Stop misunderstanding my words Diane!" Hana whined, almost jumping up and down. You laughed, well it has been a while since you've hung out with them.

Truth to be told, Christina has always been clingy as a friend but after the ignoring issue, she became more clingier if possible.

You tried introducing the main cast to Hana, Diana and Diane but both sides express either awkwardness or no interest whatsoever.

"Now calm yourself Hana, no one's accusing you." Diana laughed before ruffling the shorter girl's hair rather roughly. You and Diane exchanged looks and laughed, man you did miss them.

"You guys totally are-" Hana exclaimed but abruptly stopped when she saw someone approach behind you. Almost in a timid way, she went behind the twins and went silent.

Both twins went silent too as if they're facing someone higher up than them.

Confused with the sudden change of demeanor and atmosphere around everyone, you called out their names.

"N/N?" A familiar voice blurted out your nickname and you knew exactly who it exactly was.

"Christy!" You waved her over. She hastily went towards you, giving a subtle glance to the other silent three girls near you.

"What are you doing? I was searching for you everywhere. Big brother is too." She touched your shoulder, turning your back towards her until you're only staring at her.

"Oh, I just went to buy water since I'm feeling thirsty. I'll be back soon let me just-" You started, trying to turn around to say goodbye to your friends but Christina didn't let you.

"I'll wait for you!" Her grip on your shoulder tightened and being the original MC, she's quite strong.

She made you stay that way, facing her. You literally can feel the awkwardness throughout the whole hallway you're in.

"Really? Alright then. I'll be back, wait here with the others." You said before heading towards the nearest vending machine. You feel quite unsure about leaving Christina with the three girls.

You were quick to move and get your water bottle but when you came back, the atmosphere around them wasn't quite well.

"Y-Y/N! We'll go ahead, bye!" Hana smiled, stuttering as she pulled the twins along with her.

"Ah wait!" They didn't spare even one last glance at you which caused you to raise your eyebrow. They didn't even pause when you tried to call for them.

It was silent as you watched them leave, a feeling of hopelessness went through your veins at the sight of them going out of sight.

"Let's go N/N, everyone's waiting for you." Christina, as soon as the three disappeared, turned around with a smile. She placed her arm around you and basically stuck herself to your side.

She tried to pull you towards the opposite direction but you didn't budge. You didn't like how she's acting or how everyone is acting.

It's as if they're trying to isolate you, away from actually building relationships with people other than them.

And this time you'll have to at least address it. You know you said that the reason you came here was to make sure she has a good ending but man.

Heck, you have your own life.

"Christina." She halted at your voice, turning towards you with shocked eyes, as if she's repulsed by the way you called her by her first name and not nickname.

"Did you say something towards them? They're acting strange the moment you come by." You asked seriously, staring straight into her eyes, eyebrows furrowed.

Without any second of delay, a frown spread out through her features. Her eyes went deadly emotionless as she stared at you silently.

It reminded you of Theo's eyes when he didn't like what he heard about Alex.

"Is that what you really think of me? It's not my fault if they're acting like that. I didn't do anything so why are you blaming me?" She questioned, her voice and tone expressing shock, bafflement and hurt.

"I'm not blaming you, I'm just asking." You pursed your lips and tried to explain. You separated yourself from her and it caused more distress to the girl as she tried to grab ahold of you.

"But you're making it sound like you're blaming me. N/n, I promise I didn't do anything so please." A flash of desperation went through her eyes, almost begging with the way she acts.

You tried to steel yourself but it was no use. Her once bowed head lifted and faced you head on, showing her teary eyes. You feel guilt blanch your whole body as if it's cold water.

Once again, she feebly tried to grab ahold of you and you let her.

"Please don't hate me." With one last attempt to plead with you, her tears fell and her voice cracked with hurt. Your eyes widened, it's your first time seeing her like this.

You stood there, watching as her tears fell down the pavement and listened as she sniffed. You feel your resolve falling and your guilt take over you.

"I- I'm sorry. Forget what I said Christy." With a shaky breath, you apologized with a smile in an attempt to stop her from crying.

"Let's just go, didn't you say everyone's searching for me?" You tried again and this time she nodded. You wrapped your arms around her forearm and pulled her close.

"So stop crying." You wiped her tears with your thumb, sheesh why is it that even crying she's so beautiful?

"Hmmh..." A faint blush settled down in her pale cheeks as she felt you wipe her tears away. All she could do was revel in your touch and your proximity.

"I'll make up for it."

"Will you?" As if a switch was flipped, her tears stopped and a beam spread out in her face. It makes you wonder if she's really hurt or crying a few moments ago but you dismissed it.

"I promise."

Without any hesitation, you let those words leave your lips.

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