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You have always wondered, does Jeremy hate you? Is he still mad when you screamed at him when you were buying groceries? Or is it that you're getting in the way between him and Christina?

You always give them enough space though, even lying to your best friend so they can fall in love- or have some alone time.

He's so silent when he's with you, contrasting to the way he talks with Christina.

You remember the day where you both are walking home, him helping you with your groceries. You both never stopped talking and even shared some jokes together all the while laughing.

But it's like that never even happened. Everything is so awkward and silent between you two when Christina is not there.

You tried to start some conversation with him, or at least small talks but he always gives you a short reply.

But then again, you're not the protagonist. You're not Christina who gets along with everyone and especially the male leads.

Maybe it's the way of the author, who's name you still don't know, of telling you not to interfere or back down a bit.

To tell you not to change anything too much.

You sighed, dejected. You wished Christina would finish her cleaning duties faster so that she could chase away the awkward silence between you and Jeremy.

You were both walking in the hallway side by side, going to the library to get a certain book which Christina needs.

You're glad Jeremy insisted to accompany you but at the same time you're not. Maybe this is his way to try and tell you that he cares for you but the silence was too suffocating.

Thoughts ran through your brain, it was telling you to try and talk to the dark-haired boy again and you agreed.

It's just that you don't know what to say to him and you're nervous because you might make things more awkward than it already is.

You're so deep in your own thoughts that you didn't notice some rowdy kids running towards you as they chase and tease each other, not looking in front of them.

They were about to crash into you but thankfully, Jeremy have fast reflexes and pulled you out of the way, pulling you into his chest while his left arm wrapped around you protectively.

The brats who were running gave insincere apologies, earning more shouts from the students who's at the same year as you.

"Are you okay?" You were pulled out from your thoughts when you heard Jeremy's worried voice.

You two were so close, too close that your cheek was against his chest and you swear you could hear his heartbeat. You feel his hand around your waist and his eyes staring at you.

You felt numerous eyes staring at you two, murmurs of the students in the hallway. You swear his fangirls are glaring holes in your body that was still encased in his arm.

You turned red like a cherry before backing away from the boy and let out a sheepish laugh.

"Y-yeah I'm fine, thank you." You stuttered as you distanced yourself away from him.

Jeremy couldn't help but stare at your flushed face. There's only one thing that came up in his thoughts unconsciously.


Jeremy suddenly looked away and turned his back away from you as he covered his face with his hand. You took this as an offense and paled.

'Is there something wrong with my face!?'

Jeremy in fact doesn't dislike you at all. He just doesn't know what to say either. You always seem distant and deep in thought just you did a few moments ago.

Everytime you tried to talk with him, he always ends up tongue-tied for some reason and he instead resorted into giving you short replies because he might end up stuttering and embarrass himself in front of you.

Everytime you, Christina and him are together, you always go away and he ends up being alone with Christina who spends her time talking about you.

Yes, all those time you thought of them getting together, it was just a 'Y/N time' for the both of them. Whereas Jeremy asks questions and Christina answers with your information.

They're very fond of you. Jeremy can't describe the feeling yet but he knows that he did like you - though yet again he doesn't know it's romantically - as a friend.

He have this feeling of you trying to get him and Christina together. You're so obvious, you sing praises of Christina to him, always going somewhere to give them the alone time.

Sure Christina is beautiful but there's something in you that she doesn't have and he finds it interesting.

It was the way how you feel so distant from everyone despite being friends with them, you seem to do everything for the sake of your friend and there's this thing he can't quite put his finger at.

You're so mysterious and intriguing. Unique.

He placed a hand on his chest where his heart is at, feeling it beating a bit faster than normal. He took deep breaths to calm himself before facing you.

He's having conflicts, he can't decide what to feel and he doesn't know what to do.

'Y/N, what are you doing to me?'

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