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When you had gone home that day, you have made up your mind after thinking almost the whole night.

You can't assume things so easily even though the evidence is already almost enough but you just need to confirm one thing.

Maybe if you distance yourself away from them then maybe things will go back to the way they are supposed to be but when it doesn't work, well your theory is confirmed then.

Though just imagining yourself being called the heroine just makes you want to dive down in a cliff and just disappear along with your humongous blush.

Hey! Imagine getting sucked inside your favorite series and then replaced the heroine and had romance with a bunch of hot 2d boys even when you're just a piece of potato or a rock along the road.

Imagine hot guys falling for the none-extraordinary friend instead of the hot beauty of the school.

You'll be questioning the sanity of those boys if that were to happen and that's why you're questioning the sanity of Theo, Ian and Alex for liking you.

You sighed, you have to do this, you need to avoid them at school and even at home. Avoiding Theo and Christina is the hardest when they have the privilege of entering your house.

You considered moving away and transferring school, you even told your parents about it but they blatantly told you 'no'.

You stared at the sky, you woke up earlier so when Christina came to pick you up, you're already gone.

It hurts you to do this but whatever, you don't want to interfere ever again. If it means you being gone so that the timeline gets fixed then so be it.

You hastened your walking, preparing yourself mentally from the drama, stubbornness, charms and the main cast's questions to you.

You know Christina would be so sad about this, heck the boys would be angry at you for trying to distance yourself from them all of the sudden but what choice do you have?

If they would get angry at you and never talk to you again, then you would take it as a blessing, it's just better that way...

You sniffled, ah why are you getting emotional of all the sudden? Why do you feel so tired, maybe it's just reality finally settling in at your shoulders, dragging you down.

When you arrived, you immediately slumped at your seat and rest your head on your crossed arms at your table.

Avoiding them would be so hard, especially when one of them are sitting beside you.

Thankfully none of them are still at school so you relished the final moments of peace.

You heard the door slide open and you flinched when you heard someone settle beside you. It's Ian who's usually a early bird too.

Ian looked at your hunched figure with a look, wondering why you're so early and wasn't with your best friend. Most importantly, what's with the gloomy aura?

You pursed your lips when you heard Ian sit beside you, saying nothing. That was until you felt him poke you but you ignored him.

Normally, this would annoy you but you endured it.

Another poke came and you heard him call your annoying nickname. You sat upright and faced him, but didn't look at his face.

"You alright?" You can hear the concern in his voice but you stood up.

"I'm going to the restroom..." You mumbled and just sped out of there, not even trying to curse at yourself for the lame ass excuse.

Ian could only blink as a frown appeared on his handsome face, he crossed his arms and leaned back at his chair.

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