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You're horrified, absolutely horrified.

You've been trying to find your favorite T-shirt for such a long time. In your closet, the laundry, everywhere!

It just wasn't there but you were sure, 100% sure that you had put it in your closet and it's always have been there.

You even folded it, you remember it clear as day.

Heck, you're sure even some of your other clothes are missing too.

You just sighed in frustration, running a hand through your hair before grumbling, and instead just grabbed a random T-shirt and wore it.

It's such a shame, it was comfortable and pretty but now you had lost it for no reason at all.

Oh well, maybe it'll show up once you aren't looking for it anymore.

You give up, it's probably just there lying around and your mother is grateful for this. If you started searching in her closet, she would've spanked you.

You feel sad, to say the least, but losing one T-shirt and some of your clothes is nothing compared to all the stress you've been through.

Honestly, if you're delusional enough you would have thought that someone would break into your room at night and steal them.

Pssh, who would've done that anyway?

You close your window and your curtain and when you woke up, everything seems the way they are.

"Y/N! Come here for a second will ya?!" You heard your mother call for you and you groaned, quickly tying your hair in a high ponytail.

You raced downstairs and saw your mother close a container filled with food. Your mouth watered, she must've cooked her specialty that can top a 5-star restaurant.

You approached her and she shoved the container in your hands as she dusted her hands hastily.

"Give this to Mrs. Teresa ok?" You blinked, "Don't worry about the Alderich's, I have already delivered theirs."

You just nodded dumbly as you stared at the container in hand. Mrs. Teresa is Jeremy's caretaker and if you want to deliver it to her then you will have to go to Jeremy's residence.

You aren't complaining but you kind of feel intimidating standing in front of such a huge house that can be called a mansion.

Sure Christina's house is like that too but y'know, you feel shy.

"Do I have to Ma?" You asked as you rubbed the back of your neck.

"Yes, now go." She pushed you outside and closed the door before you can even complain.

You sighed forcefully, your mother still hasn't got over her hobby of shoving you outside before you can even say anything.

Seriously you won't even bother arguing with her anymore because you know you'll never win.

You started to walk, thankfully Jeremy's house wasn't far away too and it was easy to spot.

Your mother and his caretaker, Mrs. Teresa are good friends and would often talk to each other about cooking and stuff.

It started when Jeremy first visited your house and stayed over for dinner. Mrs. Teresa, you learned is quite the worrywart and picked up Jeremy because it was getting dark and thus met your mother.

Your mother offered her some of the food and Mrs. Teresa loved it and became cooking buddies.

So after that, they continued to meet and soon your mother is invited to Jeremy's home and honestly, you were in awe.

Just a Side Character || Yandere Reverse Harem x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now