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"What?" The silence was suffocating and neither of you spoke. All you could hear was your own heartbeat and your own confused thoughts.

What does he mean by that? Did he just confess to you? No, you can't get ahead of yourself, what if he just means it in a platonic way.

There's no way that a handsome man such as himself likes a simple woman like you.

Theo shuffled in his place, staring at the floor silently. He finally composed himself and took a deep breath.

Suddenly the place you two are in feels so small, it feels like you're getting trapped.

"Now you found out huh? I guess there's no going back." His voice was silent, if you didn't listen so closely then you wouldn't have catched it.

'Found out what!?'

While you were trying to think what he's talking about, he suddenly took a step towards you.

You instinctively backed away but you remembered that you were leaning against the wall, giving you no chance to escape or move away at all.

He placed a hand at the wall beside your head, trapping you in place. You could feel your cheeks warm up and your heart beating faster.

'W-what's happening!?' You were panicking internally while staring at the handsome boy in front of you.

You wanted to think that all of this was nothing but just a dream but you're proven wrong when Theo raised his other hand and softly caressed your warm blushing cheek.

You don't know what to do by now, you aren't used to this! Getting kabe-donned by a handsome boy is not what you're expecting at all!

Your eyes widened. He forced you to stare at his eyes and despite him being composed now, his eyes show it all.

He feels uncertain about this, nervous even but at the same time, his eyes are full of warmth.

Your legs feel like jelly and you feel like you're about to collapse. Is this what kabe-don feels like? Are you finally going to get your first confession?

Theo hesitated to speak but he forced himself to say at least something. He already had gone too far and he needs to finish what he started.

"Y/N, I do like you. I really do.." He started off slowly, his eyes searching for any signs of rejection in your face and when he found none, he continued.

"At first I thought that it's only platonic, just like a brother would feel for his sister but I was wrong, very wrong. These feelings you give me are more than that and I- I had a year to realize what I really feel, that I always want to be with you all the time." He bit his lips as he let go of your cheek.

He used the same hand to ever gently hold your hand, intertwining your fingers softly. The two of you are so close, it's as if proximity doesn't even exist.

"Y/N, you don't know how much you make me happy and how precious you are to me..." He confessed, his cheeks as Red as yours.

"Theo..." You don't know what to say, should you say yes or? You bit your lip, you feel so conflicted.

"It's ok, you don't have to answer right now." He said before embracing you, holding you flush against him. "Let's stay like this even just for a while..."

'I like holding you close to me and I don't want to ever let go.'

In his mind, he knew that this feeling he has for you is not just a simple crush.

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Your mind is replaying what happened between you and Theo, the confession, how he held you, everything.

To think of the protagonist's brother liking you romantically, the fact he confessed, the way he stared at you warmly, the fact he's willing to wait for you.

'I'll wait, no matter how long it takes. Just for you.' Those words sent butterflies to your stomach and sent blood to your already warm cheeks.

You can't believe you just got confessed at, by a handsome man no less. You slapped your cheeks and tried not to squeal.

You don't know what to say to him, how to act but basing how Theo is trying his best to act normal in front of everyone else, he wants this only for you two to know.

That in case you reject him, everything would still be the same and that you still remain friends.

You feel confused, sure you always have wanted for a hot person to confess to you but this is real life now.

This is reality, not a child's game or anything you can reset your choices in.

You know you like Theo but just...just not in that way just yet but you're definitely going there.

You don't want to hurt him, you don't want to lie to him.

You don't want to lie to yourself anymore.

The day has already ended and here you are in your bedroom, trying not your best not to fangirl, not that you can with your feelings everywhere.

You don't want your parents to find about this either, they will surely gossip this to Theo's parents and hell would break loose.

They won't argue of course, instead they would go matchmaker mode and you don't want that.

So much for a first day, already getting a love confession.

You sighed as you flipped yourself from your bed, staring at the dark ceiling and started contemplating your life decisions.

What could Theo possibly like in you? You're nothing but a simple girl who's pretty much sent here in the novel to support the protagonist like a good old side character.

What did you even do?

You're nothing compared to them but now knowing that Theo has feelings for you? Everything just jumbles up and blurs. You certainly didn't know that this could be possible.

'What am I going to do now?'

Just a Side Character || Yandere Reverse Harem x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now